I'll add a few items I ran into that have not created a hard stop in my progress, but are creating some aggravation
(the kind of thing that could be very frustrating over time.)

  • Item Hover-Text stopped working for a while. Hard to pinpoint the exact cause, but I noticed it around the time I was trying to barter with various patrons of the Inn in Cyseal. There were no hover pop-ups for the items (mine or the trader's,) so it was nearly impossible to tell what items I was trying to buy. For example, a vendor with dozens of potions just looksed to be carrying bottles with red, white, or green liquids; I had no idea what each did. smile I was able to get them to come back, but I don't recall whether it was be opening up my own inventory screen, or just reloading a previous save.
  • Poor click recognition. I've seen some forum reports about having a hard time targetting enemies, and I agree with that, but I am particularly having issues with D:OS recognizing my clicks. It seems like I have to click 2-3 times for my Source Hunters to move, interact with an object, talk to an NPC, etc. It appears that some combat actions do require 2 clicks to select/confirm action (at least I think those are intentional,) but I'm not talking about only those. It's jsut moving around the world and interacting with things. I am using a Bluetooth mouse in this case, but I do not see this issue with input in other applications or OS.
  • Trouble clicking wandering NPCs. Combined with my previous issue (clicks not registering,) I'm having a heck of a time just talking to NPCs that have a patrol route. For example, I had to follow Madora around her patrol route 3 times just to get her targetted long enough when she paused to start conversation with her. Same with the bartender. It seems like the game is slow to register/highlight targets when hovered over with the mouse, so that when the target is in motion, they keep moving out of range before they are targetted & clickable. Even if I try to "follow" them with my mouse, it doesn't seem like I can get the game to recognize my click on them and get my characters to start conversation. Even giving NPCs a longer pause between patrols would make this a little easier, though the problem would still be an annoyance.
  • Hard to cancel steal actions. I've just recently realized that the mouse cursor is a yellow or white color when interacting with "legal" items, but ORANGE when hovering over illegal items (where the yellow and orange still look pretty similar.) This solved an earlier issue where I was curiously poking around some environments and getting accused of being a thief! But now, there's still problems when I try to do some intentional pilfering, particularly when the object I click is too far away to reach, so the PC walks toward it BEFORE attempting to steal. There are a couple problems with this. One, I can only use instincts to know if I can reach an item before I click; there is no visual indicators to tell me this. When I am trying to be quick or remain out of line-of-sight, it is valuable to know exactly what will happen when I click. So two, the situation becomes one where if I could reach an item from where I stood, I'd have a chance to successfully steal an item by grabbing it quickly while out of sight, but in some cases, I begin walking through an NPC's field of vision, then grab the item in plain sight before I can click elsewhere to convince my PC to cancel the futile steal action. In situations where getting caught more than once will cause an awful fight to break out, just one of these inadvertent walk-&-steals can be a huge interruption, requiring me to reload the game when I would have preferred to just NOT steal the item if it was going to cause a scene... smile At the very least, if my PC is sneaking, and I tell him/her to steal and item, and this forces him/her to walk toward the item, and they get seen/fail sneak on the way there... I would like them to GIVE UP trying to steal the item. Continuing to walk over & grab it is just brain-dead, but it has happened to me several times now. I'm nearly forced to give up on a sneak-and-steal character entirely because of this, as it can sometimes be heard to tell line-of-sight well enough to avoid these kinds of unhappy surprises.

That said, I'm really enjoying the beta overall so far; it's already visibly ahead of where it was during alpha. I can even run D:OS fairly well on my tablet now! This was a non-starter before the performance fixes at the end of alpha. So thanks! Still very much looking forward to the game, but do hope some of these quality-of-life issues get addressed in time!