Originally Posted by Blackheifer
Originally Posted by GM4Him
Maybe it was intentional. After all, they do have a whole devil theme going with the game. Zariel, Avernus, Raphael, all the tieflings, Panels from Hell...

Ya know, not a lot of people really talking much about the devil theme aspect of the story. The focus is usually more on mind flayers and the Absolute. Gotta wonder, how much of everything happening is really spawned by the Hells?

Hail Satan!

As an Atheist the above means nothing to me.

Its funny, I love the story elements of magic, demons, angels, Gods and of course D&D, but in real life I reject all superstition. It's been said that humans need to love and they need to believe, but I think more accurately humans need to engage in imagination or imaginative play. I think belief is not needed.

Anyway, I am off to spill some salt and ignore black cats while walking under ladders.

Being a Christian who knows and loves Christ, it isn't just superstition, imagination and myth and belief. I know the Lord Jesus Christ, not just as a belief, but as a best friend. I can't even begin to tell you all the miraculous things He's done for me and my family.

That said, I also have no issue with things like this. Christ died that the sins of the world are wiped out. Only one sin remains; do you reject Him and His sacrifice? No sins are therefore held against me, for I have accepted Him, love Him and want to be like Him.

And Satan has no power but what people give him. 666 also has no power unless someone gives it power. Either way, I belong to Christ, so nothing anyone does can truly harm me. Kill this body, and send me to paradise sooner. That's all you'd do.

I live therefore, in peace, for I know my ending, and it is good. Call it a delusion if you like, but my "belief" makes me happy, gives me peace, and makes me a better person. Christ provides me security, love, and true joy. There is nothing but positivity with Him.

To NOT have such assurance. To believe that when you die, there is nothing?... How are you NOT insane with fear of death? Truly, it takes more faith to believe there is no God than that there is one.

To believe that all things just accidentally developed into all we know is like Larian creating BG3 by randomly scrambling all the code together until the game, over time, simply developed into what it is now but without glitches. Our universe, after all, is infinitely more complex than this game, yet randomly creating this game in such a way, especially without glitches, would be beyond logical reasoning. It requires incredible faith indeed.

Last edited by GM4Him; 12/10/21 08:27 PM.