Originally Posted by Pitheco
I'm not sure if it's a bug or maybe some kind of feature, but I couldn't figure out the reason why some npcs sometimes would appear semi-transparent, as if they were ghosts. Like the orc and soldiers in this screenshot.

I noticed that behavior many times during my last play and I figure it has something to do with the line of sight, but I don't recall this happening in the alpha and I really don't see the point in displaying out of sight things like that.

Does anybody also experience it or could confirm it is supposed to look like this for any reason?

maybe b/c the npcs are out of sight (line of sight) but since you are in combat and/or they are hostile you get to know their last position and/or can "hear" them which points to their last and supposed position? but, really, i dont know. just guessing. would seem reasonable to me, though.

Last edited by 4verse; 09/04/14 08:55 AM.

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