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- Aureus sells no Rank 1 "Way of the Warrior" skills, and the only Rank 2 skill he sells is "Helping Hand" (which I have not had an opportunity to use all game. Mostly since Jahan's Ice elemental isn't around to "help"). I'm sure there are some. This makes it less useful to try and pick up Way of the Warrior early.

- There are no Rank 2 "Way of the Ranger" skills. This means that Rogue/Rangers are stuck with their default skills until reaching level six. SIX. They can't use magic because that requires points in INT they don't have, and they can't use Way of the Warrior because there are also no Rank 1 WotW skills. (Oh, and because basically all enemies between the harbour and the tunnel are undead, that eliminates Venomous Strike from use as well.)

- Meanwhile, my witch though is rocking a full skillbar of Witchcraft 1, Earth 2, and Fire 1 skills without spending a single ability point (thanks to the free points from the Traits system), and if I wanted to I could buy a whole lot more I could use now.

- The Arrow Seller should sell Tactical Retreat. I don't like Scorched Earth as the only version of that skill for sale, the fire surface can be inconvenient - especially if you're beside allies.

- Will there be an targetable version of "Water of Life"? That's a mage spell, and while boosting their own health is useful under certain circumstances, being able to boost an ally's health is useful under more.

- Jahan should start with Air Elementalist 1. He has basically all the Air 1 skills, so it's annoying to have to spend an attribute point to 'learn' Air Elementalist 1 when he blatantly has it already.

Last edited by Stabbey; 08/04/14 04:24 AM. Reason: helping hand
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Loving this game, however, my game music keeps cutting in and out. I have undated all of my drivers. So it's not me, this time.

I am loving the trait system and abilities. Just one question, as I know this is beta...will there be an easier way to see loot on the ground. Right now it's mixed in with the bodies left over after a battle a bit hard to see.

Loving the traits and how conversations affect them. Thanks for a wonderful beta game. I only see better things in the future of this game.

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Stevihj - if you hold down the "ALT" key, all lootable items in the area (or most - I posted about a few that aren't in the "UI Wishlist" thread) are highlighted. Saves you from having to pixel-hunt!

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@Stevihj: you can hold 'alt' and you'll see what to pick up. However things could be better visible, and smaller things a bit bigger, but it is not too bad now with alt.

I love the beta and the minigame regarding arguments, but the first thing I noticed that it makes the player a bit passive. I wanted to click somewhere and it is fully automatic. It could be changed somehow, so that we'd be a bit more active, not only waiting. I can imagine it like a slot machine or wheel of fortune where both sides have a small 'device' (maybe the opponent only blurry visible) and a click would stop it.

There is written on the right side below: "choose weapon", or so. Why is that there? Do they mean the (now) automatic selecting from the 3 objects?

We are proud to report that we finished our DOS2 localization project (Hungarian). :'-)
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So the cooldown randomly stopped working on ice titan

[Linked Image]

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Holy crap. You really need to stop messing with that idol dude. wink

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If you have one or more henchmen/companions in your party, it should NOT be "Game Over" if Roderick and Scarlett fall in battle. Companions can use the Resurrection scroll if one of them falls and it's okay, but if both fall it's game over even though it could be perfectly feasible to continue.

I don't care what "story reason" you have for that, it's your story you can adjust it. It should only be game over if all of the current party gets killed in battle.

Maybe give a warning pop-up like "if you are unable to revive one of the Source Hunters, you will not be able to continue the story," or add a special quest to the Journal: Revive the Source Hunters that says the same thing, essentially.


Companions should not be allowed to put points into:

  • Charm
  • Intimidate
  • Reason
  • Charisma
  • Lone Wolf (duh)
  • Pet Pal (Companions can't talk to NPC's)
  • Politician (useless)

And there are some Talents that lack the downside when given to a Companion:

  • Know-It-All (Free point in INT and the downside is irrelevant for companions!)
  • Stench (irrelevant downside)


Players should not allowed to be able to put points into Tenebrium until they actually show up and can be acquired.

Last edited by Stabbey; 09/04/14 09:03 PM. Reason: companions
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I don't want keys gone from alt.
Especially since most keys hide under chests (with strong STR requirements to move) or other inaccessable and unviewable places, and alt is the only way to see and pickup a key.
Unless they make their location better, they should remain there with alt.

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First off I agree wholeheartedly that the game should not be over if one of the main characters fall in battle. Especially when we have resurrection scrolls, this completely defeats the purpose of resurrection scrolls in the first place.

Here is just some overall feedback from 30 minutes of gameplay with new beta client.

1. Something that has been around since the first client of pre-purchase alpha. The fact that making a melee rogue is such a pain in the you-know-what. I really believe that there should be a ranger trait separate to a rogue trait. Or the current wayfarer should just be a more general rogue focused trait. As it is right now there is no main trait for melee rogues.

2. Text clutter: When ending the second battle before entering the town (the battle with the orcs and cultist). At the end of the battle the soldiers left standing say some things to my characters and the text is displayed for their chat. I can't read any of the chat because its all smashed onto the the screen on top of each other. If need be I can get a screenshot of it later.

On this note I wish some of the text would stay up longer. It is hard to read it all, especially when multiple people are speaking. I know I can look at the chat box to see what is said. Having to do this anytime something is said takes the immersion away for me. Bickering and small talk are just as important as the heavy duty quest info.

3. When I go to the front gate of the town and begin dialogue with the Mage if my cursor is near the edge of my screen, my screen continues to pan during chat.

5. Bulkiness of the robes for spellcasting classes. The starting robes for casters seems very bulky to me. They look more like ballroom gowns then practical mage robes for battle. I also feel like the size of the rogue and wayfarer armors are too bulky. The knight armor seems to be headed in the right direction.

I'll try to add more as I play, thanks

Last edited by Sent; 08/04/14 05:15 PM.
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I decided to pick up the "What a Rush" Talent for my Rogue. That Talent grants you bonus maximum and turn AP if your health is under 30%. So I had Edward stand in poison for a little bit.

The bonus is a whopping +2 to Maximum and Turn AP. You get that and more from the Rank 1 Fire Elementalist skill Wildfire, which can be used at any time and doesn't have the condition of "anything breathes on you and you die".

Now maybe that +2 AP really makes a big difference, and I will try it out for a while, and it is true that it's making use of something which will happen anyway, but I kinda don't think it will end up being that great a use of a rare Talent point. If it was +4 Maximum/Turn AP, then that sounds more appealing.

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These have probably been listed:

-Slow walk/run speed

-The ridiculous reactions townspeople have to crimes, although funny, are rather overdone. I have to wait half an hour for all of the citizens to take their turns at me.

-Fire and poison seem overpowered, both for enemies and allies.

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@ Stabbey;
I would go with Wildfire being OP then rather than What a Rush being underpowered. +2AP per round is a LOT.

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Originally Posted by Hassat Hunter
@ Stabbey;
I would go with Wildfire being OP then rather than What a Rush being underpowered. +2AP per round is a LOT.

I wouldn't call Wildfire OP. Wildfire is only three turns. The best use is to cast it before the battle or on someone later in the turn order, when Wildfire gives +4 to Initial Turn AP.

What a Rush is not "2 free AP a turn", it's "2 AP a turn if you are almost dead." Odds are that you're not likely to be live long enough to use it anyway. I will try it for a while to see if that +2 AP really is great, but I'll probably end up reloading to pick a different Talent. Actually, I'll probably reload anyway, because I gave What a Rush to the Rogue, who has a nearly bare skillbar, so the +2 AP means only a second bow attack (I no longer dare to use my fragile Rogue in melee).

EDIT: I've gotten into a couple situations where I was below 30% health and tried this out. I guess this Talent is kinda okay, but I have high speed and am using a Dagger, so 2 AP means almost 5m of walking distance, or an additional attack.

I'll keep trying it more, because I think I may have seen some bug where the extra AP remains even if your health goes back up, but it's possible that was a combination of my imagination and saved AP, so I'll check again.


Headvice has a pretty high AP cost for something which A) does low damage, B) does not inflict a status effect, and C) is single-target. I rarely have any good reason to use it compared to all other possibilities, including sitting out a turn.

Last edited by Stabbey; 08/04/14 04:23 AM. Reason: headvice
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hi all, here is some feedback too, after ~15h in the beta

- as said above, run/walk outside of combat is too slow

- surprise: gold is not common to the party. Is it by design ?

- in the trading screen, I can't switch between inventory. I have to quit, selet another char, and engage trading again. If that's on purpose, it is really painfull

- repair skill is useless for the moment (too much durability is removed) and it cost two arms and one eye to ask a NPC to repair your sword for you. I just throw it hoping to loot one before it breaks

some words on lockpicking :
- is there a way to know if the character lockpick level is too low for the cheest/door I try to open ?
- it seems the "unlock" spell is based on the lockpicking skill, and not the witchcraft one ( see The char has 0 in lockpickng) Or is the spell just an alternative to actual lockpicks ?

Anyway, my main concern here is about targeting enney in combat with my mouse. Sometimes, I just can't ( see this thread )

Thanks ! ( this game will rock, I'm sure of it )

Last edited by jilbi; 08/04/14 02:34 PM.
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As before, I don't know what's already on the "to-add" list, but here's what I would like to see being added from my current playthrough:

1. Being able to close the world map with the same hotkey you open it with
==> most games have this and it's intuitive to do it that way

2. When you click on a portrait of one of your party member with the inventory screen opened, it should switch to the active hero's inventory.
==> same reason as point #1, its intuitive to do it that way

3. If you move using the holding down MB1 (mouse button 1) function and run into a combat event, your character keeps running ahead. I would like some kind of mechanism that cancels your actions and forces you to resend the command to move again if wanted.

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"Voluble Mage" is a really strange word that'll be unfamiliar to most people. Since it prevents silence, I've got another name: "Spellshouter", which I think conveys the same idea.

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Originally Posted by Stabbey
I decided to pick up the "What a Rush" Talent for my Rogue. That Talent grants you bonus maximum and turn AP if your health is under 30%. So I had Edward stand in poison for a little bit.

The bonus is a whopping +2 to Maximum and Turn AP. You get that and more from the Rank 1 Fire Elementalist skill Wildfire, which can be used at any time and doesn't have the condition of "anything breathes on you and you die".

Now maybe that +2 AP really makes a big difference, and I will try it out for a while, and it is true that it's making use of something which will happen anyway, but I kinda don't think it will end up being that great a use of a rare Talent point. If it was +4 Maximum/Turn AP, then that sounds more appealing.

It's designed for synergy with a specific character type, which is a revive tank. My tank is pure HP, with Way of Warrior maxed due to +2 on gear so she has some offence as well, but the idea is to just let her get to extremely low hp, then take advantage of my wizard's near infinite AP to kill her then resurrect her to full with Morning person.

My tank has so much HP (3000) that she is below 30% a lot of the time, which stacks nicely with Wildfire and Lone Wolf, and has so much HP that she stays below 30% for a very long time.

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Originally Posted by Stabbey
"Voluble Mage" is a really strange word that'll be unfamiliar to most people. Since it prevents silence, I've got another name: "Spellshouter", which I think conveys the same idea.

Honestly i think it should be something like this:

Uttering Curses
Allows you to still use offensive magic while muted.

EDIT: I'm getting into this game. I haven't been around these forums long but from what i hear, Stabbey is the big "Balance guy". You'll have another one of those coming if i end up getting involved :P

Last edited by Xendran; 08/04/14 06:28 PM.
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I would like to see an option to turn the smart camera off. This is when you are offscreen or slightly uncentered from your active hero while trying to move using hold-down-MB1, it will force your camera to be on top of your hero. Slightly annoying because I think it's a very fun way of playing the game but I find that seeing a bit more in front of my character would be preferable.

Also, not being to close dialogs with ESC can be annoying since its so intuitive to do so

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Originally Posted by ALCAR
Also, not being to close dialogs with ESC can be annoying since its so intuitive to do so

I was actually going to add this suggestion to the "UI Wishlist" thread a while back - I also find it annoying not to be able to use ESC in dialogs - but I was thinking that Larian might've actually considered this but intentionally left it out, as there are points in a dialog where you're "not supposed to" (for plot/quest reasons) be able to quick-exit a dialog. But maybe they could just make ESC work whenever the standard "exit dialog" choice is actually available?

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