Originally Posted by Endre
- I opened a chest and dragged something on the portrait of my other character. the icon of the stuff changed to a chest icon and I was not able to give it. After that I clicked back in the open chest container window and the real chest was suddenly destroyed. This was in the hidden room of Esmeralda.

Check if the chest didn't end up in someone's inventory. It weights 50, so you really don't want it in there wink
- stuff by NPCs is changing too fast. I exited the dialog just to talk to him with another character who had money and he had suddenly other stuff on him

They generate shops apparently once per character. So you can reset each vendor 3 times by using your other teammates. I already reported this. That indeed means with the current trade bugs if you see a nice item you want and don't have money, and the character with money HASN'T interacted with the vendor yet, you need to manually transfer the money and try again rather than having that character talk to the vendor and reset it's inventory.
Until that's fixed anyway. There are many issues it seems with the trading.
- I heard animal sounds (which belong to the surface) underground below graveyard

Which animal sounds. The tunnels are below the city, so it makes sense. Can't confirm or deny myself since I mostly have no soundeffects at all to listen to (*sigh*).
- I got a Skype call during play, so I alt+tab there and it crashed the game

Odd. I alt+tab over a hundred time out of game each session (it's how I keep my buglist, just getting out the game, write it in the .txt then move on and once the session is over post in my thread). Have you checked if it does the same without Skype? Or Skype on but no call?
- trade icon is active even if an NPC don't have anything

It seems 'low' items setting can have nothing. I've had people without anything after a savegame or using earlier mentioned bug get some gold or other items.
But yeah, I agree everyone should get atleast some gold if you can trade with them.