Originally Posted by Gyson
Originally Posted by Elwyn

The point is: D:OS has no respawns and it has no level scaling. This has been known for a long time and people who pledged or bought the game did it because they liked this approach. The no-respawn and no-scaling mechanics are not going to change anymore.

I just want to touch on this particular point by saying that while people did pledge based on a pitch and video demonstration of a particular game, they also did so with the knowledge that player feedback could be implemented. That means some aspects of the game could shift in a direction you may not personally like.

In this case, that didn't happen. I'm just explaining why the "people pledged based on blah blah" defense doesn't really work in kickstarter/early access games. Having backed several games, some of which have done complete 180's on me, I'm all too familiar with that unfortunate possibility.

Yes, I agree with you that players' feedback can and should change the game (like it was with the new dungeon in Cyseal). However, there are core elements of the game which are defining features and these systems should not change: if for example the game is advertised as turn-based and developers suddenly decide to make it real time without pause then it would be a very bad turn on their backers. If this actually happens then I am pretty sure that many players will not trust the developer anymore and won't back their next project.

The no-respawn design is Larian's philosophy (I think Swen mentioned it on every possible occasion in his blog, during Kickstarter and here or on steam forums). So, I guess if suddenly the game would be designed around respawns and xp grinding, a high percentage of Larian's fanbase would be very upset. As Stabbey has also mentioned, I believe that also level scaling is against Larian's design philosophy (at least judging from their previous games).