I was engaging the Mysterious Stranger in two places at once in the burial mounds.

- Not a bug, but seriously, the "I have a good feeling about this lever" hints are ridiculous handholding.
- The Mysterious Strangers still use the default Roderick and Scarlett portraits.
- I hasted Madora and opened her stats to check her AP count. I noticed that her Fire Resistance was -10%, from the Haste, I imagine, but when I moused over that, I only sat +10% from Way of the Warrior. The reason for the -20% was not listed.
- Then, inexplicably, still with Madora's stats window still open, Madora said "Oh, our enemies have lain a trap for us", then there was a "Rank Tunnel" area popup, and then Madora suddenly was in some netherworld across the map for no reason (x517, y54). She rejoined the party after entering the secret trap door


The "Cyseal East" waypoint should be renamed "Cyseal Northwest", and the "Cyseal Beach East" one, being not on the beach, should be called something else like "Cyseal Cliffs East".

Last edited by Stabbey; 10/04/14 02:50 PM. Reason: waypoints