Originally Posted by SteamUser
<irrelevant information>

What you've just dumped is (in regards to this discussion) a large load of pointless data that attempts to steer people away from the very simple truth of why dragons in Skyrim can be unchallenging: ~70% of the time they are below your character's level, as (unlike other parts of Skyrim) their level is largely fixed rather than scaled in the traditional sense.

You see.. your entire theory makes huge assumptions about my character's level, my build, my gear, settings, etc. At one point you even implied I abused problems with enchantments and/or crafting when in reality I've disclosed absolutely no information to you about any of this. But, by all means, feel free to keep fishing and making wild assumptions - whatever you have to do to avoid admitting the underlying problem, right? All you're doing now is spamming the thread with articles and charts from other sources in some ridiculous attempt to boost your credibility - a method anyone can employ. And before you accuse me of doing something similar - I dumped an article *directly related to the discussion*.

Originally Posted by SteamUser



Also, if you're /threading 4+ times during a conversation, you're probably using it wrong. Rather than typing /thread repeatedly, you should just try typing something relevant and accurate. Because that might actually help wrap up a discussion rather than create a situation where someone has to point out your errors. Just a suggestion. smile