Neither of you is ever going to even slightly budge, take each other seriously, or really bother coming to any sort of conclusion. Why do you keep slapfighting each other?

My opinion on level scaling done pretty well: Most loot treadmill ARPG's, like Diablo, Sacred 2, and Torchlight. Dragon Age as well I believe used level scaling, since I recall all areas being visitable in any order barring the very end.

My opinion on level scaling done somewhat poorly but still very enjoyable: TES series.

Also, I'd really like to point out, because apparently this isn't obvious:

SOME GAMERS HAVE DIFFERING TASTES WITH HOW CONTENT SHOULD BE HANDLED. I can't believe I need to say that. I like level scaling. I like not having to worry about missing out on any content or walking in and getting one-shot. That's fun to me. It might not be fun to you. So be it.

They both have merit to different types of tastes, so let's just stop beating this topic to death with this nonsense.