Originally Posted by YoungFreshNewbie
I like level scaling. I like not having to worry about missing out on any content or walking in and getting one-shot. That's fun to me.

That part about not missing out on content is probably what I love most with level scaling, especially as I tend to do every little quest I can find. That usually puts me way ahead on XP/levels, and before I know it all the content in my immediate path is too low level to present a challenge. And without that challenge I get bored.

Divinity : OS has limited combat opportunities (particularly if you're not RP'ing a psychopath). For any one of them to be below my party's level and trivial is just frustrating. This isn't the type of game that requires grinding or provides respawning mobs, where you find yourself saying "I need to grind out 50 of drop-X before I bludgeon myself to death with my mouse, so prepare to be pwned low-level region!". Thus, having the ability to greatly outclass encounters in Divinity : OS is not up there on my list of features I need (or want).