Baldur's Gate 2 does it well I suppose, and that is a game where even with enemies that scaled, the power that your character possesses with gaining level still feels like it is there. Though I think the notion people might be drawing from your posts Gyson is misinterpreted.

In BG2, the scaling works not by going the Oblivion route (the worst example of scaling) where the enemies you face are constantly scaled for you, a Level 1 goblin in BG2 will always be just that whether you are level 1 or level 20, whereas in other games, that level 1 Goblin will spawn if you are level 1, but a level 20 goblin would spawn if you were level 20. What BG2 does is it still keeps that level 1 goblin mob, but mixes in a few higher level monsters as well to provide your guy something to feel like a worthy foe, while keeping the weak litter mobs in to make you realize that yes, you have gotten more powerful than you were before. That was a game where scaling wasn't that big of a deal to begin with. I think the best way someone on an alternate thread explained it was something along the lines of:

If you go to a troll dungeon at a low level, you will just find maybe a dozen regular trolls. If you go there at a medium level, there will be a few giant trolls mixed in with the dozen regular trolls. If you go there at a high level, there will be one or two spirit trolls along with the few giant trolls and a dozen regular trolls.

It is not scaling to be exact, but it is a system that works better than most version of the mechanic in my opinion.
If that is the kind of system that you are proposing Gyson, I don't think I would be opposed to that in Divinity: OS.

Last edited by Amantalado; 11/04/14 01:03 AM.