Originally Posted by Gyson
Originally Posted by SteamUser

Originally Posted by Gyson

But you would probably hate it. So, why keep trying to convince you with examples that you're just going to reject?


A) WoW did this first
B) It only works on instances, and is NEVER permanent
C) It doesn't work in permanent single player worlds where you're juggling multiple quest / kill flags
D) You have no fucking clue how it's coded.

Wrong on all counts.

Finally. You called me out, now answer some questions smile

Please explain (reverse order, so D-C-B-A ~ why? because I want you to think):

a) the coding on instances, how they mod stats on loaded chunk, and how the server creates an image of the char save to revert to on leaving said instance. [Tip: applying -mods as an instance only debuff has been used in the past, but not in GW2: notably Anarchy Online]

b) a single player RPG where leveled instances that apply modifiers to the char on entry / leaving [to level], save them as permanent but discard them on exit [doesn't exist -- XP doesn't count].

c) a MMO where entering an instance that applies modifiers [negatively or positively] to level then is saved to the main world character permanently on leaving the instance [doesn't exist - XP does not count, we're talking levels / stats here]. Note: many MMOs apply level minimums on entry, and a few apply downscaling for PvP battles, however, no MMO in existence keeps instance modifiers as permanent, barring timed buffs. [e.g. complete X instance, Y buff for Z hrs]

d) http://www.wowwiki.com/Battleground -- please explain how GW2 did the auto-rounding trick when WoW was doing it previously?

Please do.

I expect code.

You just went all in with the Devil, and the Devil holds four Aces... boy. You can't answer those questions, because they are impossible.

If you knew anything, you'd know that.


Originally Posted by SteamUser
I'm trying to think of a RPG that had a) permanent world and b) active range <spawners> that scaled to level. I'm drawing a blank, perhaps the /circlejerk could enlighten me to one that does / did / will do?

Hint: it doesn't exist. You're all arguing about fucking unicorns.


Hai! I might have coded some of your MMO encounters at some point. I hope you enjoyed them, but srsly... there's a reason why we're not allowed to talk to the players. Because most of them are idiots not familiar with coding. frown

Last edited by SteamUser; 11/04/14 03:44 AM.