Originally Posted by Razzmann
I got to know another bug making the game unplayable - luckily only for me (atm I don't know anyone who as the same problem): I believe it happens because of the murder-quest (forgto the name). After I went to the room in the Inn which is guarded, the "Hall of Heroes" unlocks and the rift travel symbol starts glowing. As soon as I'm teleporting to the homestead, from this point on the game always crashes as soon as I try to save (it does not matter whether I quicksave or use the normal save menu). Even if I travel back to Cyseal, the game crashes upon saving. frown

Ok so I figured out that it's not asociated with the quest. In every Savegame (of these characters), as soon as I enter the end of time (it is never for the 1st time) the game crashes upon saving.

Spiegelberg! He, Spiegelberg! Die Bestie hoert nicht.