Joined: Dec 2013
I have 2 different "poison ground effects" one effect is just on the ground (it look slike the fire ground effect but green) and the other is this huge transparent cloud and it is probably that cloud that crashes the game.
edit: after the patch I downloaded today the bug seems to have been eliminated. Will do some more testing tonight, but I was able to load areas that were crashing previously today
Last edited by Eldiora; 08/04/14 06:07 PM.
Joined: Feb 2014
I've noticed at times the level up arrow and green orbs on the characters pics wont go away even after leveling up. Nothing to major on my end as far as bugs but a ton of tiny things like that.
Joined: Apr 2014
Hotfix 1.0.239 broke my game. Crashes on startup, doesn't even leave the desktop. I want to play again 
Joined: Apr 2011
Verified your game cache?
Joined: Dec 2013
Whenever I enter the skull cave (after the giant orc in the west around x67 y51 I cannot save anymore, whenever I try to save my game crashes. Even after leaving that cave.
Joined: Apr 2014
Verified your game cache? Yes, it fixed 2 files and still was crashing. Did a clean install of my video driver this morning, seems to have fixed the problem.
Last edited by seedleSs1; 10/04/14 12:57 AM.
Joined: Apr 2014
Whenever I enter the skull cave (after the giant orc in the west around x67 y51 I cant ENTER TO cave after orcs - map loading and then crush game. Im think before last patch game was more stable ))
Joined: Apr 2014
First time gamesave Load normal, but then every teleport to pointcheck or qick Load - F8 - Just crush game. Win7 64. And than happens after last hotfix.
Joined: Jan 2014
I already postet this problem in the bug section but I think it might be better to post it here: I got to know another bug making the game unplayable - luckily only for me (atm I don't know anyone who as the same problem): I believe it happens because of the murder-quest (forgto the name). After I went to the room in the Inn which is guarded, the "Hall of Heroes" unlocks and the rift travel symbol starts glowing. As soon as I'm teleporting to the homestead, from this point on the game always crashes as soon as I try to save (it does not matter whether I quicksave or use the normal save menu). Even if I travel back to Cyseal, the game crashes upon saving. Ok so I figured out that it's not asociated with the quest. In every Savegame (of these characters), as soon as I enter the end of time (it is never for the 1st time) the game crashes upon saving. This problem gets bigger and bigger. As it turns out, as soon as I enter an area which has a loadscreen as soon as you enter, e.g. the black cove or the homestead, it "triggers" the "bug" which causes to crash the game upon saving.... 
Spiegelberg! He, Spiegelberg! Die Bestie hoert nicht.
Joined: Dec 2012
Razzmann: did you try to re-install the game already? You can try to uninstall the game, delete the folders which might have remained, run a cleaning tool (CCleaner or a registry cleaner), restart your pc, and install the game again. Ok, this takes a bit, but may help...
Joined: Jan 2014
well I think this problem only applies this savegame, my other does work. Also this problem did not occurr e.g. after being in Bellegars cave. Restarting the pc did not work btw... But thanks for the help nonetheless 
Spiegelberg! He, Spiegelberg! Die Bestie hoert nicht.
Joined: Apr 2014
Hello. Loving the game so far, but found a showstopping bug: I am no longer able to initiate dialogue. I first noticed this at the end of the black cove, but in retrospect, it was probably triggered a little earlier by a potential bug which caused madora (and only madora) to have an exclamation mark over her head but remain unresponsive. I portaled to town and was unable to speak with anyone. I dread loading an earlier save because that place was a bit of a nightmare to clear  .
Last edited by artemis42; 11/04/14 08:12 PM.
Joined: Mar 2003
Artemis42, try leaving town through one of the gates and then return. That has helped others with this problem ( Desdemona Bug Beta
Joined: Apr 2014
Artemis42, try leaving town through one of the gates and then return. That has helped others with this problem ( Desdemona Bug Beta East gate didn't do anything but the north one did. Thank you so much!
Joined: Apr 2014
Hello. I have 1 question, that I want to discuss. For some time (3.5 years) I playing on notebook and ofc. some games cannot be played on 1080p. But DoS-beta has showed some fps increase on 1680x1050 resolution. So, can u add in game-options 1600x900 resolution? Looks strange that u have minimum 4:3 types of res., but do not have this one. Or, if someone knows where are can I find something like config-file where I can change res. manually (btw it concerns Dragon Com. too), he will receive my gratitude 
Joined: Apr 2014
My friend and I have difficulty playing playing together online. We often play for a half hour or so and then one or both of us are pushed out of the game. We also tend to have problems in combat where the player who is not hosting losses the ability to move and make decisions.
sometimes it becomes impossible for one of us to log on to the others game because the join icon is grayed out and unusable. If these small issues are taken care of then it would make this game one of my favorite RPG's in a long time.
There also seems to be sounds missing form the game during combat. particularly when people are striking each other. the sound sorts of blanks out and doesn't return for a long time.
thank you for the great game and keep at it.
Joined: Mar 2003
can u add in game-options 1600x900 resolution? If you set your desktop resolution to 1600x900, does that get it to show up in the resolution list? To manually set the resolution in D:OS edit the graphicSettings.lsx file (in the '..\Documents\Larian Studios\Divinity Original Sin' folder) in Wordpad, or other text editor, and search for the section:
</node> <node id="ConfigEntry"> <attribute id="MapKey" value="ScreenHeight" type="22" /> <attribute id="Type" value="0" type="5" /> <attribute id="Value" value="1600" type="4" /> </node> <node id="ConfigEntry"> <attribute id="MapKey" value="ScreenWidth" type="22" /> <attribute id="Type" value="0" type="5" /> <attribute id="Value" value="2560" type="4" /> </node>
Search for 'fake' near the start of the file to set the display mode (if both FakeFullscreen and Fullscreen are set to zero, it will be in Window mode).
<node id="ConfigEntry"> <attribute id="MapKey" value="FakeFullscreenEnabled" type="22" /> <attribute id="Type" value="0" type="5" /> <attribute id="Value" value="0" type="4" /> </node> <node id="ConfigEntry"> <attribute id="MapKey" value="FrameCapFPS" type="22" /> <attribute id="Type" value="0" type="5" /> <attribute id="Value" value="60" type="4" /> </node> <node id="ConfigEntry"> <attribute id="MapKey" value="Fullscreen" type="22" /> <attribute id="Type" value="0" type="5" /> <attribute id="Value" value="1" type="4" /> </node> Similarly, for Dragon Commander, You can manually set the resolution by editing the graphicsettings.lsx file in Wordpad, or other text editor, located in the folder:
..\Documents\Larian Studios\Dragon Commander
Look for the section
<node id="ConfigEntry"> <attribute id="MapKey" value="ScreenHeight" type="22" /> <attribute id="Type" value="0" type="5" /> <attribute id="Value" value="768" type="4" /> </node> <node id="ConfigEntry"> <attribute id="MapKey" value="ScreenWidth" type="22" /> <attribute id="Type" value="0" type="5" /> <attribute id="Value" value="1024" type="4" /> </node>
Search for 'fake' near the start of the file to set the display mode (if both FakeFullscreen and Fullscreen are set to zero, it will be in Window mode).
<node id="ConfigEntry"> <attribute id="MapKey" value="FakeFullscreenEnabled" type="22" /> <attribute id="Type" value="0" type="5" /> <attribute id="Value" value="0" type="4" /> </node> <node id="ConfigEntry"> <attribute id="MapKey" value="FrameCapFPS" type="22" /> <attribute id="Type" value="0" type="5" /> <attribute id="Value" value="60" type="4" /> </node> <node id="ConfigEntry"> <attribute id="MapKey" value="Fullscreen" type="22" /> <attribute id="Type" value="0" type="5" /> <attribute id="Value" value="1" type="4" /> </node>
Joined: Apr 2014
I have been using the 239 update and it seems to have fixed most of the crashes I was having. However, 2 times when I 'quit game' it has crashed and this last time when I played again I found something very weird. The benefits on all my party's items has changed, for instance, I had robes with +1 constitution on all my mages and now it is +1 dexterity, also one had +1 con and +1 int, and one had +1 con and +1 speed but all that is GONE.
Also I had several staves with +1 fire/water/air and +1 water/air/earth, now they are just regular staves. Literally almost every item I have is fucked up now. I had to go to the vendor shops a lot of times to find this stuff and it is so frustrating that it is all gone.
Also I have checked on earlier game saves and it looks like the items are screwed up on every game, don't the items get saved with the game? So I can't even go back a little bit to get my items back they are just gone. Please help, even if there is a simple way to just edit those items back to the original that would be great.
Joined: Mar 2003
Did you try verifying local files for the game? Items stats are saved with the game, so either the crash corrupted all your saves somehow, or something in the game is overriding or preventing the saves from being read properly. Please email supportdos@larian.com, with a description of the problem and the report.zip file generated by the D:OS support tool. The zip file will include your saves, so hopefully Larian can figure out what the problem is.
Joined: Apr 2014
How do I 'verify local files'? I'll try running the 'support tool' when I get a chance.