Joined: Apr 2014
Hi One minor bug I noticed, regarding attack of opportunity : * ennemy : twin-joined-by-fire * target: ice elemental (summoned creature)
So, I tried to move my elemental past the boss, which prompt the "attack of opportunity" animation. As nothing happened, and I couldn't move the elmental anymore, I ended the turn. Ennemies and allies did their stuff (and the boss too), and back to my elemental: still stucked, all I could do was end the turn. Only when the boss was dead that I was able to move the elemental
Joined: Jan 2009
- The back door to the garden is called “Garden Back Door Key”.
- If you have a companion in the lead when you approach the Baron of Bones, combat starts immediately, instead of the dialogue starting.
- Lady Annah uses Resurrect on Grey Wolf, but nothing seems to happen.
- When you leave both teleporter pyramids on the ground, the first one will have the option to “pick up” the pyramid, the second will have the option to teleport you to the other pyramid, but you don’t have the “teleport to other pyramid” option on the first.
- If you open the map on the Shelter Plane, you can see areas you haven’t visited, and variations on the observatory and Hall of Heroes you haven’t unlocked.
- The “Become Air skill is bugged and increases max HP by a lot, and Water of Life increases max HP by quite a bit (these both stack, by the way, so if you wait your first turn, cast both and then the big healing spell, you get a good buff). Water of Life increases con by a bunch, and gives you extra vitality, but not enough to cover the increased health from the CON (which I think it should). Plus, after it ends, you keep the HP above your max HP.
Joined: Jul 2013
The Main Hall - Clipping Issues
There are numerous places if you want around the edges of "The Main Hall" area where you can go outside the boundaries of the map.
It probably needs to be reviewed and fixed.
Joined: Jan 2009
Enemies caught inside the "Tactical Retreat" stormcloud don't know what to do. Okay, fine, but if so, can they hurry the heck up and end their turn, instead of having to wait for "Force End Turn" every time?
The Warrior Skill "Nullify Resistances" still calls Tenebrium "Blackrock".
Last edited by Stabbey; 13/04/14 04:39 AM. Reason: black rock
Joined: Apr 2014
Its like the 10th time the game crashes when saving during/after the Talking Head quest (when delivering the Head to the Ghosts)
Last edited by Esev; 13/04/14 04:18 AM.
Joined: Jan 2009
Bug and question: You may or may not know the answer to this stabby, but how does the lucky find interact with the loot generation? Also, does it take into account your party's highest amount, or should I make sure to always use a certain person to open/highlight stuff?
I did find a bug where if you utilize a container inside your inventory while crafting stuff, you can get it to skip the whole crafting bar bit and just spit out the completed item. Is there a good thread to put text errors at in their forums? I always find digging around other forums a bit weird, so I tend to not.
Joined: Jan 2011
Don't know if it's a know bug or not, but the smoke fx of fire traps sometimes still on even if the malus it's gone, passing through a new area didn't resolve, but save and reload solved this minor issue, here a screen: Have a nice day all
Joined: Jan 2009
Tactical Retreat can let you stand on vertical cliff faces and get to areas you shouldn't be able to.
Joined: May 2013
If Victor and Richard die during the battle with the Sparkmaster5000 and you resurrect them during the battle, then after the battle, Visco acts like they are dead and they both just stand there and cannot be interacted with.
Joined: Feb 2014
Bug or WaI?: The Trap House, there’s a static cloud in a doorway arch. I used ice wall and the cloud vanished, so I think it’s one of those things where you have to place a crate over top… but if you do that then the door isn’t going to be navigable. If there’s some switch to deactivate it that I missed, then never mind. There is a regular solution for it  The bookshelf holds the answer. - The 25% extra damage change of the 'meele stance' is nowhere reflected in the character sheet. Makes you wonder if it has any effect at all. But it works i tested it. I am just curious because the effect of 'rage' and 'oak of destruction' are reflected properly. ![[Linked Image]](http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/3334095627357402930/B8437B804077F3989B1DE8E6280BB2385416068B/?.jpg) No indication that meele stance has any effect. ![[Linked Image]](http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/3334095627357411678/2654FD6DC5D1CC4A88B52466A381CE4B9A081EF4/?.jpg) - If you skip the conversation before B. Rex you will get some more or less useful allies in the upcoming fight. - The big bad wolf from the wolf ecounter east of Cyseal respwaned. I have no idea what lead to that bug, but i was a lil bit suprised when i rushed there with Scarlett alone  - I found out what the characters spot infront of the church and i assume i know how you should get there normally but i found another way. Beam me up. ![[Linked Image]](http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/3334095627357427046/9731F26B66D77A6317EDC3258D67D466EAE187D8/?.jpg) - The hidden door that leads outside the church doesn't work but i guess this area is still wip. - There is an interface issue with 'inspire' and other 'trumpet effect' skills. They work but doesn't show up correctly under certain cirumstances. And it messes around with the tooltips of other active effects. For instance in the following example Madora is affected by 'inspire' and 'oak of destruction' but only the latter shows up. ![[Linked Image]](http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/3334095627381157447/177AA9B9CE18BD3A1C882531B176679B8314A001/?.jpg) If i hover over Roderick's 'inspire' buff it shows the 'oak of destruction' tooltip of Madora.
Joined: Jan 2009
Strange co-op issue. It may or may not be lag-related since the host was in Russia and I (guest) was in North America. Inexplicably in the tutorial dungeon, I could still move, but could not open any containers or use skills. A save and reload fixed that for me, but then the host had the same problem. A second save and reload then worked for both of us.
- When sitting on a bench, using a teleporter pyramid teleports you to the other pyramid, but immediately back to sitting on the bench again.
- You can use a bench to sit on it no matter how high it is, if someone has thrown the bench on top of a pile of items. May not be worth fixing since that is "deliberately goofing around" behaviour.
- The teleport spell can target barrels, but you get the message "destination is blocked" no matter where you try to move it.
- Trying to teleport someone sitting on a bench does damage, but there is no animation and the person remains sitting on the bench.
Joined: Jan 2009
I think I've reported one or both of these before, so sorry, but just in case I didn't:
- The Undead Mage in the graveyard tunnel will cast Flare{E}, which does nothing at all. Maybe related to the changes to Flare?
- The Skeletal Scorcher will fire its flamethrower from a bit out of range of my characters. That only succeeded in roasting its own allies. This may be a blessing in disguise, as the time my level 2 character WAS caught in it, they died very fast.
Joined: Apr 2011
All spellcasters (and their spells) are broken at the moment, not just Flare...
Joined: Jan 2009
- The Undead Archer in the house just outside Cyseal's west gate is scripted to first attack the ooze barrel before doing anything else. This is fine when the house is attacked from the south, an unusual but not terrible idea when the house is attacked from the east, stupid if the ooze barrel is already destroyed if combat starts, and comical if you manage to move the ooze barrel out of the area.
After a couple tries, using sneak, blocking crates, and telekinesis, I moved the ooze barrel out of the house, and as expected, the archer made a beeline right for the barrel it shouldn't actually know where it is, and which is nowhere near the combat zone. I bet I could get that archer chasing the barrel to the end of the map. I should actually try and see what happens if I move that barrel into the Cyseal market.
- More importantly, though, I find the surfaces to be finicky. Sometimes I have an ally who seems like he/she is not standing in water, and yet gets stunned when I zap it. Other times, there are enemies standing ankle deep and yet are not stunned. (Maybe that's because they can attack from where they're standing without moving?)
- It's really annoying that applying an fresh effect on top of an existing effect of the same type does nothing except waste AP.
Joined: Apr 2011
Funny  As for the surfaces, I think the actual stun effect wont set it until it's their own turn. Are they still not stunned then?
Joined: Jan 2009
- I wasted some time moving the ooze barrel into Cyseal market. I guess there's a limit to how far the Undead Archer will target it, because instead of chasing it, like he did when I plopped it on the hill where the first encounter was, the archer just shot at my enchanter instead. Funny  As for the surfaces, I think the actual stun effect wont set it until it's their own turn. Are they still not stunned then? Sometimes yes and sometimes no. They do get stunned on their turn - if there are no enemies within reach and they would have to move, but I still consider it a bug. If there are my party members in range, the enemies can perform attacks on my party without getting stunned, and they can perform attacks of opportunity if I move out of the way (I gave my Knight "Lightning Rod" so he could walk on those surfaces. So yes it's bugged as far as I'm concerned. - Seriously, Teleport is ridiculously restricted. It's not in any way an actual teleport, because it only works if the enemy has a straight line to walk from A to B. It can't pass any objects or anything. I wanted to move an obnoxious mage from the rear up close, but because there were objects in the way, it wouldn't work. Tactical Retreat and Pheonix Dive have the same restriction. Barrel in the way? Can't pass it. It doesn't matter if the actual mage who is doing the teleporting has the line of sight to the destination, if the one being teleported does not, it won't work. Fix this. - Companions can trigger the Fish Thief dialogue, even if they are split from the party. If the party is halfway across the map, they still have the fish thief dialogue just fine even though Madora is the only one at the market. In the alpha, this seemed to work better because I remember a case when my two Source Hunters were dead and I sent my companions past there and that dialogue didn't trigger... but in retrospect I guess that only happened because the source hunters were dead. - In the Black Cove, the Orcs vs Skeletons fight starts if you enter the little alcove with health potions just below the stairs up to the fight.
Last edited by Stabbey; 16/04/14 04:56 PM. Reason: more bugs
Joined: Jan 2014
- More importantly, though, I find the surfaces to be finicky. Sometimes I have an ally who seems like he/she is not standing in water, and yet gets stunned when I zap it. Other times, there are enemies standing ankle deep and yet are not stunned. (Maybe that's because they can attack from where they're standing without moving?) I have also noticed that some hostile NPCs will try to use AoE spells when fighting, and will fail to target the AoE correctly, resulting in surfaces that limit beneath the PC's feet and not affect them. This is especially true for the Squeleton FlameThrower in the cemetery underground and the Earth Demon from the talking statues. - It's really annoying that applying an fresh effect on top of an existing effect of the same type does nothing except waste AP. I'm guessing it is due to the fix to a previous issue that caused PCs and NPCs to cure themselves of all effects when succeeding a save throw upon application of a new effect, i.e.: a bleeding and burning character would cleanse himself of all these effects if he succeeded a save throw against stun. I could be wrong though.
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Moderator Emeritus
Joined: Dec 2012
- Seriously, Teleport is ridiculously restricted. It's not in any way an actual teleport, because it only works if the enemy has a straight line to walk from A to B. It can't pass any objects or anything. I wanted to move an obnoxious mage from the rear up close, but because there were objects in the way, it wouldn't work. Tactical Retreat and Pheonix Dive have the same restriction. Barrel in the way? Can't pass it. It doesn't matter if the actual mage who is doing the teleporting has the line of sight to the destination, if the one being teleported does not, it won't work. Fix this.
Actually, I think this mechanics was introduced after teleport could be abused in earlier versions to get into locked houses and rooms. From programming point of view I could imagine that it is much easier to do something like "if there is an object in the way, then the teleport fails, else teleport succeeds". I could imagine that it is much more difficult to check whether the object is actually a barrel, crate, enemy or other thing which can be bypassed or a locked door into a room in which case teleport should not work. However, I agree with you that from the gameplay point of view, the restriction of teleport ability only to the case when there is a straight line of walk is very irksome...
Joined: Apr 2011
I'm guessing it is due to the fix to a previous issue that caused PCs and NPCs to cure themselves of all effects when succeeding a save throw upon application of a new effect, i.e.: a bleeding and burning character would cleanse himself of all these effects if he succeeded a save throw against stun. I could be wrong though. I still find the save method odd... doing a bleed attack for 2 turns, and it does no damage since it's shrugged off right away? (most times with my wolf) Of course, enemies saving against bleeding will skip their turn afterwards, but that's just a bug on top of a bug (on top of a bug?) I also expect if you can freely replace effects it makes it much easier to stunlock an opponent indefinitely, and that's already fairly easy to do, especially freezing (with the only downside being increased armor of the opponent). Definitely needs a lot of fixing there...