Originally Posted by Stabbey
- More importantly, though, I find the surfaces to be finicky. Sometimes I have an ally who seems like he/she is not standing in water, and yet gets stunned when I zap it. Other times, there are enemies standing ankle deep and yet are not stunned. (Maybe that's because they can attack from where they're standing without moving?)

I have also noticed that some hostile NPCs will try to use AoE spells when fighting, and will fail to target the AoE correctly, resulting in surfaces that limit beneath the PC's feet and not affect them. This is especially true for the Squeleton FlameThrower in the cemetery underground and the Earth Demon from the talking statues.

Originally Posted by Stabbey
- It's really annoying that applying an fresh effect on top of an existing effect of the same type does nothing except waste AP.

I'm guessing it is due to the fix to a previous issue that caused PCs and NPCs to cure themselves of all effects when succeeding a save throw upon application of a new effect, i.e.: a bleeding and burning character would cleanse himself of all these effects if he succeeded a save throw against stun. I could be wrong though.