Originally Posted by Rainer

- did not find the right lever to open black cove skeleton head (did the teleport thing to get past (I hit 14! levers - and did not find others) no description of them anymore (no death char - all had more than 250 hp!! no boost)

Did you find the invisible ( literally invisible one ) on the leftmost corner of the Skull room ? You have to "spot it" by walking next to it first. Otherwise, there are a couple standing in bushes around the room. Definitely enough levers around to get the Skull door opened. smile


- the phoenix-dive is still a fire spell but u need way of warrior to do it and it does fire-damage?!?
- crossbows are not so effective as bows with way of ranger 4 (-1AP for ranged weapons)

I don't really see a problem with warrior / ranger skills doing elemental damage. In fact it's better, as so, Elemental damages aren't reserved to mages only. Since D:OS is more or less balanced around triggering various elemental effects, it would be sad only casters are able to use them.

As for crossbows, I'm not sure what you mean. Those things are leagues ahead of bows. Sure you need a lot of AP to shoot them more than once in a turn, so maybe you would need a specific build for that, but they still inflict so much more pain and agony compared to bows. They clearly aren't balanced well as the damage range is far too high considering the requirements. Even during Alpha when you couldn't get as much AP per turn and the arrow spray wasn't a level 1 spell it was often better to get a crossbow. I agree it was a tad better balancer then, though.

By the way, nice feedback !

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