Joined: Apr 2014
The Divinity: Original Sin (beta) writing is terrible! And that's an understatement. As far as I can tell. The English version of the game in the current beta stage is making my brain die, while sometimes causing my eyes to bleed. Everything is "cheesy"! Who the hell wrote this stuff? The game also has a complete and total lack of humor... or the humor is simply so bad that it's making me shed tears of blood! What the hell where you people thinking when you wrote some of this stuff? Like those codes for the robot 5000 something. Happy kitten angry kitten... what!? Am... am I supposed to laugh or feel sorry for the poor sod who made that contraption? Also if that robot became self aware why would a control device be able to make it stop? If it's self aware then... it basically reprogrammed itself. Am I right? And there are so many lines that just make me cringe. Can't you developers inject a spine in to those characters? And make everything more serious and less cliché? Now I might be an expert, but I'll give you some good examples of "actual humor" in gaming and movies. The good stuff that would actually be more fitting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KB1OcN4Rrwhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TNhS81w4bMhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ts42iuCi4IMhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnLUSGQaU6YStick to this and you might actually pull off something amusing here and there, but generally just be more serious and try making the experience immersive. Oh and please... no more rhyming wizards or some crazy nutjobs locked inside caves. I don't think I can hold back my urge to slaughter those guys for much longer.
Last edited by Nolanoth; 22/04/14 03:42 PM.
Joined: Apr 2011
Joined: Dec 2012
Oh yes, and if they'd take your advice and copy the style of the other games, it wouldn't be cliche, would it? ;-)
Actually I like their humor, but it's depending on the person, if they can reach you with it or not. As already told, there is no perfect game (and there are no perfect game-devs), so it has no sense to expect a game to be perfect. And much worse to ask them to throw their style into dustbin, just because you don't like it.
Joined: Apr 2014
I didn't say anything about copying! Just stick to the style!
Ye... well congratulations! You laughed, or smiled or something, something, something at this gullible load of nonsense! I'd give you a medal if it wasn't so sad.
Joined: Dec 2012
*sigh* Your opinion is yours, mine is mine. So if you want to give building critic, feel free, but don't provoke.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2013
I take it this is your first Larian game? Not everyone has the same sense of humor. Variety is the spice of life (oops! Sorry about the cliche! Bad, wicked, naughty Zoot!)  Larian's not-so-serious writing style is one of the charms of the game for me. I loved to talking to Pontius Pirate and Ishmashell. 
Joined: Dec 2013
Ah yes. I'm sure Larian will be relieved to finally receive some well-funded advice how to go about their writing, complete with examples for... inspiration. Bravo. I'm really sorry to make you sad, but I do appreciate their humour (no medal required, thank you).
Other than that - *nods at Endre*.
Joined: Apr 2014
Ah *Faceplam* nevermind then!
Joined: Jun 2013
@Nolanoth: Never ever dare criticizing Larian or DOS here. DOS is perfect with eventually "a very few minor issues", and Larian the best Studio ever. 'nuff said.
Joined: Apr 2014
You're crying in the rain paly. That's what game critics are for. Beyond Divinity was a well written game, voiced too if you haven't forgotten and as as far as I remember when the demo was released there was one hell of backlash regarding voice acting and Larian Studios had to redo the voices.
Joined: Apr 2014
Now I might be an expert, but I'll give you some good examples of "actual humor" in gaming and movies. The good stuff that would actually be more fitting. You might not be an expert too.  But hey, good on you for identifying humour that EVERYONE finds funny. You've saved Larian a job there, and we'll undoubtedly all point out that you were the one who started it all. Bravo.
Joined: Apr 2014
How about a few verbatim examples of this terrible writing you speak of?
Joined: Jun 2013
Wrong thread.
Last edited by Cromcrom; 22/04/14 05:44 PM.
Joined: Dec 2013
Like those codes for the robot 5000 something. Happy kitten angry kitten... what!? Am... am I supposed to laugh or feel sorry for the poor sod who made that contraption? You do know who made it, right ? Or maybe you were too busy "shedding tears of blood" to notice it? And while I agree that the common man speaking in a Shakespearean manner can feels odd at time, this is how they chose to make their world. I really don't see how your examples are "better" writing. It's just something else. Quite more "everyday" something else. And by the way, wasn't the boot camp scene from FMJ more-than-partially improvised ?
The Brotherhood of norD is love, the Brotherhood of norD is life.
Joined: Oct 2013
The remote is at least pretty funny and logical. After all, the dude is addicted to shapeshifting and "rather a cat, than a human". He is basically LARP'ing... so as far as writing goes, that was probably the worst example to bring up, because THAT is really good writing. Not really funny in itself, but good writing. In the end you can comment on gameplay decisions, but how Larian does their OC in terms of writing is something you are never gonna change. They have a vision, no doubt sanitized for age ratings and mass market, and that's how they gonna roll.  I for myself, hope that user campaigns are going to be VASTLY more mature and serious. And simply have more "balls" to bring up some "hard fantasy" themes. Game of Thrones style, you know ;P (And now, GoT is not the only, or best, but it's the most well known ,p)
Joined: Apr 2014
How about a few verbatim examples of this terrible writing you speak of? "You must gather your party before venturing forth." And I think even that one has a typo in it. The remote is at least pretty funny and logical. After all, the dude is addicted to shapeshifting and "rather a cat, than a human". He is basically LARP'ing... so as far as writing goes, that was probably the worst example to bring up, because THAT is really good writing. Not really funny in itself, but good writing. In the end you can comment on gameplay decisions, but how Larian does their OC in terms of writing is something you are never gonna change. They have a vision, no doubt sanitized for age ratings and mass market, and that's how they gonna roll.  I for myself, hope that user campaigns are going to be VASTLY more mature and serious. And simply have more "balls" to bring up some "hard fantasy" themes. Game of Thrones style, you know ;P (And now, GoT is not the only, or best, but it's the most well known ,p) I'm still not getting the joke. So the guy is in to bestiality, ye, ye wants to raise kitten. Great congrats to him, I'll be sure to sell him some catnip next time I trade with him, but when you make a rampaging killing machine - then shouldn't you be thinking about something else then cats? And if the guy is that crazy, then wouldn't it be a good idea to put him down or throw him to some asylum and earn some positive reputation by sending that crazed threat somewhere far, far away from the city? This guys is just crazy. I wouldn't trust him with bag of sand let alone some deadly inventions and a lab.
Last edited by Nolanoth; 22/04/14 10:41 PM.
Joined: Apr 2011
"You must gather your party before venturing forth."
And I think even that one has a typo in it. I give your trolling a 2/10. Sadder if you're serious. Have you ever played RPG's in your life before?
Moderator Emeritus
Moderator Emeritus
Joined: Dec 2012
"You must gather your party before venturing forth."
What would you suggest instead of this formulation?
Joined: Dec 2013
"You must gather your party before venturing forth."
What would you suggest instead of this formulation? Some old "Baldur's Gate"-like kind of sentence, I guess ? wink wink.
The Brotherhood of norD is love, the Brotherhood of norD is life.
Joined: Apr 2014
Which also happened to be really annoying and the modders simply removed it.
How about just letting a scattered party teleport in to one place or rather gate? Without any kind of comments about having to gather them. Even if everyone is in a different place just use the quick travel to send them all to a particular spot.
Also making fun out of a very annoying part of BG is just lame...
Last edited by Nolanoth; 22/04/14 11:50 PM.