Originally Posted by artemis42
How about a few verbatim examples of this terrible writing you speak of?

"You must gather your party before venturing forth."

And I think even that one has a typo in it.

Originally Posted by eRe4s3r
The remote is at least pretty funny and logical. After all, the dude is addicted to shapeshifting and "rather a cat, than a human". He is basically LARP'ing... so as far as writing goes, that was probably the worst example to bring up, because THAT is really good writing. Not really funny in itself, but good writing.

In the end you can comment on gameplay decisions, but how Larian does their OC in terms of writing is something you are never gonna change. They have a vision, no doubt sanitized for age ratings and mass market, and that's how they gonna roll. wink

I for myself, hope that user campaigns are going to be VASTLY more mature and serious. And simply have more "balls" to bring up some "hard fantasy" themes. Game of Thrones style, you know ;P (And now, GoT is not the only, or best, but it's the most well known ,p)

I'm still not getting the joke. So the guy is in to bestiality, ye, ye wants to raise kitten. Great congrats to him, I'll be sure to sell him some catnip next time I trade with him, but when you make a rampaging killing machine - then shouldn't you be thinking about something else then cats? And if the guy is that crazy, then wouldn't it be a good idea to put him down or throw him to some asylum and earn some positive reputation by sending that crazed threat somewhere far, far away from the city? This guys is just crazy. I wouldn't trust him with bag of sand let alone some deadly inventions and a lab.

Last edited by Nolanoth; 22/04/14 10:41 PM.