Im usually very... sensitive, to bad writing. Not concerning the style alone but, concerning setups of quests plots and characterization and other more minute details and parts of the game.
So far, two thirds of the beta played, ive been very pleased with the writing, the main plot, the general themes and feel of the game, characters and how the quests are constructed and plotted.
Much more then other current similar games out there, where i facepalm continuously, until i start feeling old and sick of it all.
As for the humor, Larian games were always written in this style and i quite like it. Its about just correct amount of tongue in cheek light fantasy humor and action content, though they weave in much more serious themes through it all - but you need to find those. (like the one concerning a small cat that survived a shipwreck)
Wouldnt want them to change anything about it.
I find it refreshing, easy, and nice. And a great tool to talk about much more deeper and serious stuff - if need be, as great humor and comedy always is.
Unlike some other industry examples of trying too hard to achieve levels of laughably idiotic, horribly executed "grimdark-epic-visceral" movies - and then failing at even that.
(btw, that NV ending is cheap crap created only to felate the players ego and the grandma transvestite mutant is horrible uninspired schlock, if you really want to know)
Also, W2 completely fails as an old school cRPG, - and thats intentional, - in all except the "graphics".
Quite an achievement really.
There is some time still left to correct that but i really, really doubt it will happen.
Last edited by Hiver; 23/04/14 10:47 AM.