Originally Posted by Hiver
Im usually very... sensitive, to bad writing. Not concerning the style alone but, concerning setups of quests plots and characterization and other more minute details and parts of the game.

Then how do you feel about skeleton warrior's running at you and saying "My magic will grind your bones!" ...that makes no sense at all! He is a warrior. An animated corpse, yet he doesn't really use any magic and he attacks in melee range.

And how is magic supposed to grind bones anyway? They got some magic grinder in the back somewhere? Maybe at the church? I don't get it.

Not to mention the undead repeat that line over an over again.

Why can't they say something like: "I shall flay the flesh from your bones!" or "No one can stop death!" or "Death shall be your release!" you know something catchy and dark, but NO! You get the same line over and over again.

And how about a trait like "Stench". If you smell like some kind of wet dog and you are supposedly "less attractive to enemies" (which makes no sense). How are k9's, demons and undead supposed to be affected? These guys love the stench of corpses and sometimes they are corpses. To a creature like a zombie it doesn't matter how you smell. Like I said... no sense at all.

Last edited by Nolanoth; 23/04/14 01:27 PM.