Joined: Feb 2010
Maybe this guy is paid troll for other competing RPG
Joined: Apr 2014
Maybe this guy is paid troll for other competing RPG Ye? Which one? The only two other RPG's I'm waiting for are Pillars of Eternity and Wasteland 2. Pillars of Eternity is still in some serious development stages and Wasteland 2 is doing fine. Well as fine as it can since the graphics are nowhere near Divinity's level, but it's generally going in the right direction. What can I say? I'm a Fallout fanboy. As long as you don't mention Pullout 3 around me... that vile disgusting... gah! I should be fine. If only life was so simple. You know there where some days in the past when you'd beta test games for cash? And people would actually take you a lot more seriously. Today everything is just a big fat beta. Like ESO or BF4.
Joined: Dec 2013
Huh, no, wrong dialogue.
Fallout 3 !
That being said, yeah, today's the age of the early release and ongoing betas. Which doesn't mean everything is flawed : some parts of the game are actually already ok...
The Brotherhood of norD is love, the Brotherhood of norD is life.
Joined: Feb 2010
Beta testing games for cash might still be an option if piracy wasn't so rampant and pc games had better sales numbers. That is pretty obvious, yet all you people who complain about not being paid to beta test conveniently forget it.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Mar 2014
Im usually very... sensitive, to bad writing. Not concerning the style alone but, concerning setups of quests plots and characterization and other more minute details and parts of the game.
So far, two thirds of the beta played, ive been very pleased with the writing, the main plot, the general themes and feel of the game, characters and how the quests are constructed and plotted. Much more then other current similar games out there, where i facepalm continuously, until i start feeling old and sick of it all.
As for the humor, Larian games were always written in this style and i quite like it. Its about just correct amount of tongue in cheek light fantasy humor and action content, though they weave in much more serious themes through it all - but you need to find those. (like the one concerning a small cat that survived a shipwreck) Wouldnt want them to change anything about it.
I find it refreshing, easy, and nice. And a great tool to talk about much more deeper and serious stuff - if need be, as great humor and comedy always is.
Unlike some other industry examples of trying too hard to achieve levels of laughably idiotic, horribly executed "grimdark-epic-visceral" movies - and then failing at even that.
(btw, that NV ending is cheap crap created only to felate the players ego and the grandma transvestite mutant is horrible uninspired schlock, if you really want to know)
Also, W2 completely fails as an old school cRPG, - and thats intentional, - in all except the "graphics". Quite an achievement really. There is some time still left to correct that but i really, really doubt it will happen.
Last edited by Hiver; 23/04/14 10:47 AM.
Joined: May 2013
Im usually very... sensitive, to bad writing. Not concerning the style alone but, concerning setups of quests plots and characterization and other more minute details and parts of the game.
So far, two thirds of the beta played, ive been very pleased with the writing, the main plot, the general themes and feel of the game, characters and how the quests are constructed and plotted. Much more then other current similar games out there, where i facepalm continuously, until i start feeling old and sick of it all.
As for the humor, Larian games were always written in this style and i quite like it. Its about just correct amount of tongue in cheek light fantasy humor and action content, though they weave in much more serious themes through it all - but you need to find those. (like the one concerning a small cat that survived a shipwreck) Wouldnt want them to change anything about it.
I find it refreshing, easy, and nice. And a great tool to talk about much more deeper and serious stuff - if need be, as great humor and comedy always is.
Unlike some other industry examples of trying too hard to achieve levels of laughably idiotic, horribly executed "grimdark-epic-visceral" movies - and then failing at even that.
(btw, that NV ending is cheap crap created only to felate the players ego and the grandma transexual mutant is horrible uninspired schlock, if you really want to know) So much this. So far, I find Larian's writing to be vastly superior to any of the cheap ass examples given above. (The games they're from were great, but those are definitely not good examples of "great humor"...) The space ghouls quest in F:NV, for instance, I remember fondly. Anyway, not everything has to be the same as those so-called "mature" games that are so popular and actually have nothing really mature in them, except maybe that they take themselves way too seriously. Larian's dialogue is one of their strength for me. I can't actually undertand how you would not consider Ishmashell to be good writing... especially compared to the try-hard grim-dark nonsense of most fantasy games. Those are the ones I find cheesy...
Joined: Apr 2011
Which also happened to be really annoying and the modders simply removed it.
How about just letting a scattered party teleport in to one place or rather gate? Without any kind of comments about having to gather them. Even if everyone is in a different place just use the quick travel to send them all to a particular spot.
Also making fun out of a very annoying part of BG is just lame... You've just shown yourself you lack any humour whatsoever. No wonder you want the game to get rid of all that is fun and make it super serious, and a complete and utter drag as result. No thanks, we got enough games who take itself way too serious already. And now we also got a poster who thinks the little poke at BG should be taken away since... well, I don't know. Why?
Joined: Apr 2014
Im usually very... sensitive, to bad writing. Not concerning the style alone but, concerning setups of quests plots and characterization and other more minute details and parts of the game. Then how do you feel about skeleton warrior's running at you and saying "My magic will grind your bones!" ...that makes no sense at all! He is a warrior. An animated corpse, yet he doesn't really use any magic and he attacks in melee range. And how is magic supposed to grind bones anyway? They got some magic grinder in the back somewhere? Maybe at the church? I don't get it. Not to mention the undead repeat that line over an over again. Why can't they say something like: "I shall flay the flesh from your bones!" or "No one can stop death!" or "Death shall be your release!" you know something catchy and dark, but NO! You get the same line over and over again. And how about a trait like "Stench". If you smell like some kind of wet dog and you are supposedly "less attractive to enemies" (which makes no sense). How are k9's, demons and undead supposed to be affected? These guys love the stench of corpses and sometimes they are corpses. To a creature like a zombie it doesn't matter how you smell. Like I said... no sense at all.
Last edited by Nolanoth; 23/04/14 01:27 PM.
Joined: Jun 2013
Some piece of advice Nolanoth. Don't look for "Sense" to deeply here, you might be disappointed. And beside, this is Larian Fantasy world. Maybe the logic behing its God Creator is not the same as in other God Creator logic. However, I admit this is sometimes really hard to comply with.
Joined: Dec 2013
Not a matter of "sense", but a matter of expressing your opinion. Again, Nolan North is sounding like a jerk who just expect by his divine right that the Larians� will listen to him and provide him with the game he needs, not the game they ... Deserve... Wait, no.
Ergo, we don't even want to listen to him. It's as simple as that. It serves as a kind of distraction to answer his thread, though, because 1/ Humans are attracted to trolls like kittens are as ball of whool, 2/ We are waiting for the next update so feedbacks and bu reports are probably already obsolete.
@Nolanoth Brainless Skeletons yelling nonsense? I'm not very shocked. Not to mention your provided examples are sooo desperatly generic...
The Brotherhood of norD is love, the Brotherhood of norD is life.
Joined: Apr 2014
Some piece of advice Nolanoth. Don't look for "Sense" to deeply here, you might be disappointed. And beside, this is Larian Fantasy world. Maybe the logic behing its God Creator is not the same as in other God Creator logic. However, I admit this is sometimes really hard to comply with. But there's an easy way to make things have more sense. Just change Stench in to "Alluring Scent". Here's how the description could look: "By mixing magic with perfume you have a created an alluring magical scent, which partially disorients your enemies making you harder to hit." There you go! Makes sense now. Or Demon... how exactly is my character suddenly a demon? Why not change it to something like Infernal Heritage? The description would be very simple. Like: "It seems one of your ancestors was a fire demon and the hidden powers within your blood have finally awakened. Fire damage will now slightly heal you and you will have a chance to set a melee attacker on fire when receiving damage, but any healing spells cast upon you shall be 50% less effective." Wouldn't this be a lot more simple and logical? @Nolanoth Brainless Skeletons yelling nonsense? I'm not very shocked. Not to mention your provided examples are sooo desperatly generic...
By your logic undead skeletons shouldn't cast any spells then either. Just because they have no brain does not mean they are intellectually challenged.
Last edited by Nolanoth; 23/04/14 02:46 PM.
Joined: Mar 2013
If I may add. Most of what you're saying can be changed at any time.
The descriptions for talents can easily be changed and what a squelleton shouts can be changed just as easily.
Considering that the game isn't even released I doubt that commenting on that type of writing is useful as it is subject to change.
Joined: Apr 2014
That is true, but I wanted to comment on that in advance before the game gets released. Personally when ever I see good writing I get a good first impression regarding a title. When things make more sense you feel a lot more immersed and attached to the world.
Joined: Jan 2014
Joined: Jun 2013
Just because they have no brain does not mean they are intellectually challenged. Lol, yeah, some of them would even kill themselves for asking the Right Question ^^
Joined: Apr 2011
I find Stench to be much better than your Alluring Scent... and more believable. But, do continue on... I am entertained 
old hand
old hand
Joined: Mar 2014
"Then how do you feel about skeleton warrior's running at you and saying "My magic will grind your bones!" ...that makes no sense at all! He is a warrior. An animated corpse, yet he doesn't really use any magic and he attacks in melee range.
And how is magic supposed to grind bones anyway? They got some magic grinder in the back somewhere? Maybe at the church? I don't get it.
Not to mention the undead repeat that line over an over again." :lol: Are you seriously asking how a magic can grind bones? Like ... seriously? What if its some kind of magically created force that can crush an enemy... ? Do i really need to invent a hundred different ways that can be achieved by... magic? - undead mages dont work as they should in the current version of the BETA, which may be the reason why too many of the undead repeat that line too... Just a thought. " Why can't they say something like: "I shall flay the flesh from your bones!" or "No one can stop death!" or "Death shall be your release!" you know something catchy and dark, but NO! You get the same line over and over again." :snort lol: Just change Stench in to "Alluring Scent". Here's how the description could look: "By mixing magic with perfume you have a created an alluring magical scent, which partially disorients your enemies making you harder to hit." There you go! Makes sense now.
Or Demon... how exactly is my character suddenly a demon? Why not change it to something like Infernal Heritage? The description would be very simple. Like: "It seems one of your ancestors was a fire demon and the hidden powers within your blood have finally awakened. Fire damage will now slightly heal you and you will have a chance to set a melee attacker on fire when receiving damage, but any healing spells cast upon you shall be 50% less effective."
Wouldn't this be a lot more simple and logical?" Simple - no, it wouldnt. Logical... well, we are talking about high fantasy, and of the specific setting and style kind - but - good suggestion. Good ideas. (except demons are not in as such, as far as i know ... though there are some "source" creatures serving as Divinity kind of "demons") I suggest not using fallacies such as calling onto presumed higher logic and simplicity, or "making more sense" strawmans, in general. What you need to get is that Larian Divinity setting is of a specific, lighter kind and so doesnt really need to try to be some kind of "realistic - believable" fantasy kind and style - as you prefer it. And you can make suggestions without attacking anyone, using strawman arguments or ad hominems. While being ready to accept any of those suggestions might not get accepted. Because thats just how things work in this kind of fan - developer relationship. Otherwise youll become like cromcrom.
Joined: Aug 2013
"By mixing magic with perfume you have a created an alluring magical scent, which partially disorients your enemies making you harder to hit."
Given how much of a punch to the nose a lot of modern perfumes are - to say nothing of medievalish ones which were often meant to cover up poor hygeine and thus even more pungent - I don't think magic would be necessary for this. :P
Sarcasm aside, most of those trait names (and many other things) are meant to be referential rather than fully descriptive. ("Raistlin" is the most obvious one in this regard.) You can explain them however you want.
I suppose that they could come with descriptions that suggest a few different possibilities, "Perhaps you were... or maybe you..." style. That's a end-of-development polish thing though.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Mar 2014
Also, just think about how much and in what way exactly someone must smell to repeal even the undead.
Besides, its not nice to be so mean to the undead to make them olfactory deficient or challenged, just because they are undead. Its not like they are ... dead, you know?
Dont be a ... well , ...hmm... what would be the correct term for such a ..."racism"? - really?
It smells like someone obviously never read Pratchett... btw.
Joined: Jun 2013
I suggest not using fallacies such as calling onto presumed higher logic and simplicity, or "making more sense" strawmans, in general. May I suggest you the exact same thing from some of your other posts. However, you might find it difficult, in DOS setting, not to call for sometimes blatant "logical" stuff.