Some pics of different smaller bugs and ... incorect things in general.
Mostly early game stuff.

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A small thing. Not really important for the setting like this but... a wooden barrel in the middle of fire? Full of water too?
Wouldnt it be better if it was somewhere on the side of the fire?

A bit more critical bug:
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There is a few of candles that... cannot be reached and turned off. Snuffed out. Extinguished. Doused. Quenched. Smothered.
Stamped out. Suffocated...choked, drowned, stifled, trampled, blotted, or... blown out.

I couldnt pick up these riches!
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I demand a money return!

These two guards should be severily disciplined:
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For repeating same dialogue lines over and over and over... no matter how many times i ask them and tell them to stop! (they also dont react to that small combat and its resolution at all) Insubordination should be a capital offense. With a big "I". I did threaten them with my connections with devs though.

This plank...
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Accuses me of trying to steal it! I swear i merely tried to read it... honest!

Your writers should be collectively punished for...
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the crime. (couldnt come up with anything better, sorry)

This well doesnt lead into secret passages,
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or underground secret bases. At least from that side. Nothing happens when i try.

This shelf has too high of a stealing skill check...
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I protest! The game is falsely trying to prevent me from stealing everything not nailed down.

Last edited by Hiver; 24/04/14 01:11 AM.