Try Windows 98; that should still keep it on one core, but may be more stable.

If you just run the game normally, you can manually set it to run on a single core (start the game, Alt-Tab, right click on task bar and select Task Manager, in the Processes tab, right click on div.exe and Set Affinity, then uncheck all but one core).

You can create a shortcut to launch the game using a specific core, rather than having to Alt Tab each time, though that may bypass Steam keeping track of playtime, etc.

Right click drag and drop the div.exe file to the desktop, or somewhere, and select Create shortcuts here. Right click on the new shortcut and select Properties. In the Target box, copy and paste the line below, so it is at the very start, followed by a space and the original path to the executable:

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /C start " " /affinity ?

where the ? should be replaced by a number to determine which cores are used:

1 = CPU 0
2 = CPU 1
4 = CPU 2
8 = CPU 3

When you hit OK, the icon for the shortcut will be changed to that of the command prompt, but you can right click, select Properties and then Change Icon to switch it back.