Sorry for the necro-post but this appears to be as good a place as any to make my first post.
I recently purchased Divine Divinity from GoG and have been scouring the Internet looking for additional insight into ways to interact with the game. Pointers to any additional resources would be appreciated. Once I've finally finished playing the game through once with no "help", I would like to "power up" a new character and just go exploring.
I have played the FATE Series of games for many years and they are highly modifiable. I was hoping that DD was as well but so far it doesn't look like it is. I am also highly addicted to the Masters of Orion II game for the PC but was a bit disappointed in the Mac conversion as it just doesn't seem to play the same.
I am involved in a few other gaming sites an hope that I find as congenial an atmosphere in here as I have found in others.