Single troll that will get kicked out?
You mean yourself?

You really like to throw out those feeble attempts at insults while you pretend youre all nice and great, dont you?

Not only had you flipped completely over some quite ordinary advices on how to make a bit more of a true RPG man out of you, and then dismissed everything else in that post of mine, but you also just invent really laughable, pathetic lies that you then pretend are true, somehow. Like trying to pretend you are some kind of a victim and some others are "trolls" and "punks" who will get... "kicked out".

Come to think of it, its the same mentality logic with which you approached the game:

The guards just said regular civilians cannot leave town and let me go threw the gates.

- which is patently not true, and only a result of you not reading properly. Skipping dialogue.

And now apparently there was a glitch that made all NPCs in the tavern, or just Madora (unintelligible) ...a giant grey rectangle... which you didnt think is something worth mentioning in that OP about the "worst gaming experience" you ever had, because giant gray rectangles covering half of the tavern dont belong into that category of things that make worst gaming experiences in the lifetime - which actually happened because of your own incapability to deal with the most basic and simplest features of the game.
Like reading the text on the screen, for example.

And tendency to be a screamer and always a victim. Of the bad evil game or of bad evil posters.

How did you enlist Madora if she was a gray rectangle, btw?
How did you even know grey rectangles can be enlisted as if they are NPCs?

These are all just rhetorical questions, im not really interested in your answers, so you can keep screaming about trolls.

This one took the cake though.
Once NPC outside the main bar was particularly annoying going on about this Fabulous Five. I was happy to just "take my leave" and move on. Want to finish up a bunch of my already started quests before taking on any more and getting totally lost in it all.

although this was was really, really funny:

It took over 8 hours to get up to the light house with failing fights and trying to figure out why the game was so damn hard. I'm not sure how it took this long, but the clock doesn't lie...


and this:
Initial "dungeon" (should be called a hidden crypt as it isn't a dungeon which is really a prison)


Please remove the mentioning of this as a dungeon, RPG's have beaten the word dungeon up and call everything underground a bloody dungeon and it is really annoying.


but these two are still a bit of a mystery:
Found out on the forums I missed finding people to hire and there were no hints prior to going outside the town that I needed a larger party.

Combat in this game had me really miserable and irritated as I had forgotten you could even hire NPC's to join you.

well, my deduction techniques fail at this so ill just leave it to... CSI Miami.

Last edited by Hiver; 03/05/14 01:45 AM.