Nah, youre just repeating yourself. Lying, misunderstanding and trying to assert some sort of weak ad hominems without any proof or facts to support it.
Thats because you have nothing else to say and nothing else to think.
Nobody is insulting, unless you mean to say that facts are insulting to you. Which is actually true.
Because you are obviously someone who is willing to consider replies that comform with your personal views and desires - only.
The rest is "insults". And "trolling". that you "didnt read".
Because you say so.
You just go down a list of fallacies and empty vacuous assertions which ends in your proclamations of victim-hood - which will supposedly makes you right.
Which is the exactly same logic loop that those like you always go through without a fault.
Youre just one of the clones.
Yep, nothing insulting or trolling there.

It's also interesting how you keep insisting I'm only responding to
"..replies that comform with your personal views and desires.." (it's conform, by the way), when I've been responding to plenty of arguments in this thread. The ones I'm trying not to bother with are yours, though, because you're trolling. And trolls are generally not worth taking seriously and/or responding to.
You see, it would be easy to take your route and individually quote and respond to every sentence someone makes, creating a dozen multi-quote response that basically says
"You're wrong/lying/an idiot" with each remark. But don't fool yourself into thinking you're saying anything useful with that. You're welcome to your opinions (as odd as they may be), but in the end that's all they are.
Now, I don't consider you a troll because your opinion differs from mine (although that seems to be your definition of one). I consider you a troll because you can't seem to formulate a reasonable response and instead just resort to personal attacks. If you want to put those attacks aside and get back to actually discussing the topic for a change, then let's do that. Otherwise, you're just wasting my time.
I'm sure your next response to me will be further trolling, but you could always prove me wrong. Just don't expect me to respond to you further if that's the route you're going to continue with. And understand that a further lack of response (to you) is not in any way a sign that I agree with the nonsense you've been leaving here. It's more a sign that I feel your argument has failed to make any impression, beyond the fact that you're intent on picking a fight.