Your pictures are too small to really read what is being said. From what I can tell, they are just saying the outside is swarming with monsters/zombies so be vigilant. Nothing about "you need an extra party member." It's been over a year, but I think that in DKS the guards were saying the same thing when exiting the town.

Being a Sunday night and not having DKS currently installed on my new(er) computer, I'm not about about to install now (or in the near future) to find out. Right now my free time goes towards marathon training (hence the name) and beta testing D:OS.

Your Hell-bent on only one of the two issues that I had. And still seemed confused about it. The other issue was that you only learn new abilities buy buying (or finding) skill books. In the other Divinity games, you learned abilities by putting training points in after each level up. In rare occasion, you were able to buy or find a skill book, but that was a bonus and not a MUST as it is here. (Getting it now?)

With this knowledge and buying a bunch of skill books, on a 2nd playthrew, I had a far easier time busting up monsters with only 2 characters. Before, both characters (witch and battle-mage) actually did melee attacks while waiting on abilities to cool down.

Since you also like bringing up the past, what were those Army jobs your were talking about? I'm still quite curious in how much you know about the US Army.

Last edited by LightningLockey; 12/05/14 05:31 AM.

Every time there I run into trouble on the road, there is always a dwarf at the bottom of it. Don't they know how to drive above ground?