I dont know - i never had any problem with targeting enemies.
Because i dont rush to click around as if im playing a shooter. No need - in Turn Based.

I mean sure, some people may have ran into some problems there... fine. Im just saying it really isnt something created by the game itself.

Originally Posted by thorska
Some ideas :
For the skill bars : give us some hotkeys ( like F1 F2 F3 ) to select the bar

that would be nice but i generally like to play with the mouse and i would still like that improved in addition to any key bindings.

just sayin...

Originally Posted by thorska

For easier target selection : give us a hotkey to pause the animations. It could be automatic when a skill has been selected and it needs a target.

That seems like a bit too much. The game is paused at that moment. Its Turn based. All you need is to make your twitching fingers do things in Turns.

- but fine, if you people really cant be just a bit more patient...
Its not like i actually need it.

Originally Posted by thorska

Concerning the formations :
- give us a button to link/unlink all ( plus hotkey +/- )

That would be nice. Maybe even very nice.

Originally Posted by thorska

After a combat :
- don't end the combat as soon as the last enemy is dead. Allow us to decide to do it when it is safe ( poison, burning ... ).

Hmm... end combat key... that could be a relatively easy solution to those problems. Indeed.

- just very general comments about those suggestions -