People cant figure out a lot of things, especially in an environment that doesnt force them to figure out things in anyway and just lets them have it all easy.

Im pretty sure that if in school i didnt get ... what is it... Ds? (it was different where im from. Here you would get a Five for the best results and an Ace for the worst).
Oh, right, right - A`s. D is the worst, whatever.

Well, if i didnt get so many Aces ...
I wouldnt become so smart as i am now. :P

Imagine if my professors were giving me high Fives for everything!? I would still be on kindergarden levels of knowledge and ability to think. As would you or anyone else.

As i was saying, some level of "frustration" is an indispensable part of the true RPGs and most of other games. Games cannot exist without it. Without it the games would be movies.
Which, you may have noticed is what AAA mass market industry has been trying to turn them into for along time now.


How many more? Whats that? A prophecy? Precognition?
Should games like this be designed because in the future there may be some people who will get frustrated about something? Design out of fear of something that doesnt exist now?

And may never exist at all?

How many users are actually "frustrated" about not even trying to figure out where they should go at the start?



Maybe five all together?
Lets talk real numbers here, not paranoia.

Lets remember Fallout... gee how many people were frustrated if they went toward any more difficult area of the game?
Wow... lets just level scale the fuck, eh?

Or is this just a case where you think something should be done and then youre using fallacious arguments to make it seem like there is an actual need for something like that?

I don't think that adding guesswork and encouraging save scumming will improve the combat experience.

Yeah, that fine. I dont think adding guesswork and encouraging save scumming will improve the combat experience - either.
The problem with that statement is that it implies specific things but it doesnt explain them in any way at all.

The problem with your idea is that it gives something free and as a meta features - completely outside of game mechanics or character skills.

While my idea about it provides that information - through character skills.

I believe that giving players the information about the level of the enemies up front gives them the information to make an educated decision about whether they can handle the encounter or not. I think that is better than having them guess each time.

You are not guessing. You are getting a very direct feedback from the game. And if you invest a few points in Perception you would get more of it.

Besides, we have been over this argument previously. If you know what is the exact level of the enemies - it directly leads into metagaming. Because then the players knows exactly with what kind of level they should approach any encounter - which makes the whole deal really boring.

It takes the player out of the game. - Breaks the fourth wall, buddy.


Now, personally... i wouldnt have this feature even for Perception. Especially because i like roguish and rangerish builds and this just spoils the game for me. Completely.

Its just an internally enabled huge spoiler and a cheat. As far as im concerned.

I only suggested it as a Perception feature because its the only way it would make sense enabled through game and character mechanics. And because i know some of you are that incompetent. And i feel sorry for you. So much so that i would ruin the game for myself to help you people.

If it was really up to me - you wouldnt get that at all.
Maybe...maybe i would allow it for the easy mode. At the most.


If Larian wants to, they can just adjust the warnings the guards are giving you when you try to exit north and east gates to be more direct warnings.

That would solve that problem completely. Even if i wouldn't like it and i would personally - move it into the easy mode.

But the game isnt made only for me. (Which is the Larians biggest mistake if you ask me :P - just joking ffs...)

Last edited by Hiver; 16/05/14 12:00 PM.