Please increase texture resolution and graphics in almost every aspect, Larian!

I've just played the beta on a 27' monitor in 1080p and it's a real pain to look at those low texture elements everywhere. The character models have extreme low-res textures and only consist of a few polygons (armor and weapons look very bad in zoom) for example and the UI with the character portraits is pixelated as hell as well. You should maybe make the whole UI elements smaller or increase the quality. Not everyone of us has an extreme old hardware config, only able to play the game on a 17' laptop in 720p... wink

I know that 27' in 1080p has a rather low dpi but I've played a lot of other games in which the experience was far better (for example XCOM EU or Total War Rome 2 which have a similar camera perspective and viewing angle). It actually depends on the game how it looks. And I already thought about the topic while playing on my old 21' monitor...