The beta is coming to a close. Until we see further changes to the skill system and balancing in the upcoming patch, there's not much to say that hasn't already been said. Let's put aside all the arguments for a moment.

So, out of curiosity, what have been your favorite moments in the beta?

NOT things like "the dialogues" or "pet pal", but specific moments you found memorable.

In no particular order, here are some of mine:
- Disguising myself as a bush to sneak up to enemies (indoors).
- Chasing the jumping chest around the forest.
- The notion that I continued pulling lever after lever after lever in the Black Cove, despite the fact that each one had a negative outcome.
- On my first playthrough, finding the mortician's diary and realizing I could go dig up Jake's grave.
- Arhu slapping me across the face 20 times when I tried to read his book.
- Playing a game of rock paper scissors to settle a debate about whether or not a chicken has the right to live.