
- Controlling my wolf summon in real time, while I was in the King Crab, and sending it outside to rip out the throat of the Fabulous Five Recruiter.

- Main quest spoilers:
Finding Thelyron's diary, going back to town to confront him, finding his place empty, seeing that the rear door was open, going out back...

...and seeing that grave for the very first time. Then deciding that must have been a new thing, and the clue to follow must be inside that grave, so I took my shovel...

- Main quest spoilers:
Figuring out that Jake's tale of his own murder was a pack of lies - even before the beta. Just figuring it out from listening to the testimony of Arhu, Wilbur, and the Waitress, and then realizing that while those stories were consistent, Jake's story was not.

- Every time I get party wiped, and then come back again and crush the encounter without casualties.

- Beating the Baron of Bones fight in co-op, even forgetting that my partner had "Destroy Summon", and even after a glitch which randomly teleported my Healer Jahan across the map, and forgetting I could have brought him back with a pyramid.