Originally Posted by Stabbey
Originally Posted by Gyson

There are actually several ways this can be handled in the game currently (and you always have the option of simply not confronting Robert about the issue of the money if you really want him to keep it).

When you deliver the news to Bertia about the sheep, she will take off before you can tell here about the money. Once you visit Aureus's office and witness the encounter between he and Bertia, Bertia will head back to her sheep-stand. Once she gets back there, you can speak with her again and (at that point) choose whether or not to return the gold.

I agree with Hiver, an option to let say "On second thought, you can keep the money" would be appreciated.

Yeah, that works. Gives players an opportunity to back out of the dialogue path after peeking inside.

Originally Posted by Stabbey
I'd also like Bertia's end reworked so you have the option to give her the money before telling on Roberts, or keep the money and just tell her who stole the sheep. If you pay her off before, she does NOT tell Aureus, if you just tell her who stole the sheep but don't pay her, then she runs off, and you lose the chance to pay her. Make it a case of greed versus doing the right thing.

That I don't like. Above we're giving players a way of backing out of the decision to inquire about the money. But with this change we're locking players into consequences because they arbitrarily chose one option from a list of things to say before the other.

If I see this in the dialogue box:

1) "Who are you?"
2) "About your sheep.."
3) "About the money.."
4) "Later, gator."

..and I happen to choose 2 before 3 because I'm being orderly, I don't want to suddenly lose out on the option to return the money because the game made the mistake of assuming I'm being greedy.

Honestly, I thought her running off in a huff was pretty natural for her personality. In my head I was like "Wait! There's mor.. oh fine, I'll tell you later..". I just thought that was neat as it caught me off guard.