A couple of issues in the short time I was able to play before crashing. First, friends joining a network game are still automatically assigned Scarlet, which I view as the first player and while I'm customizing her loadout I am booted out when my friend joins and then only given the option to customize Roderick (all over again from scratch).

After creating our characters, my co-op partner and I ran through the starter dungeon which still requires a quick-save before crossing the (extinguished) fire blockade. I know you can use the nearby rain spell to extinguish it, but if you settle to destroy the water barrels instead you can still be caught on fire and quickly incinerated by some invisible remnant that somehow wasn't extinguished. This issue seems to persist from the last update, and both my co-op partner and I managed to catch on fire several times in a row while trying to carefully cross the then water-covered gap.

While heading up from the fire/water area for the trap disarm tutorial, I picked up the disarm kit and began to disarm the trap. While doing so, I right-clicked my inventory window to close it, which inadvertently cancelled my disarm attempt and consumed the kit. I've noticed the same thing happening before with lockpicks, but was not able to reproduce it in this session.

After killing the ghost "boss," he dropped a hat. I went to right-click on it to give it to my partner, but forgot that there is no right-click context menu for items outside of a container (like inventory or a crate). Instead, I clicked on it, and attempted to drag it over my partner's icon in the party list at the top left, but it didn't do anything. I ended up having to pick it up myself, open my inventory, right-click on it and then send it to my partner who was standing still (beside me) the entire time.

After the dungeon, coming upon the two bridge guards, my partner and I deliberately picked conflicting options in the dialogue to see if the rock-paper-scissors resolution could be forfeited by either party. Although each of us saw the option to "Press space to skip," it didn't work for either of us. Not able to do anything else, we each took our first turn, but on the second turn our prior options seemed stuck in place (the previously selected icon appeared as selected for each of us) and neither of us was able to click anything or advance the minigame. As the game host, I used the menu in the top right to select "Load" and loaded our most recent save, which promptly crashed my game.

Both of us were playing on Win7-64 using the latest beta released through Steam.