Originally Posted by Stabbey
Fact: The range of possible treasures which it is possible to be generated is so large that the chances of getting any particular one or combination of all-desireable treasures is so small that it's not worth anyone's time to reload, never mind being worth anyone's time to re-code so reloading no longer works.

That's an opinion, as what is worth or not worth reloading to you is obviously different to someone else since people *do* save-scum. You may not do it, but it happens, and for a reason.

Also, I don't believe anyone ever suggested someone could abuse save-scumming to get "exactly" what they wanted, only that they can abuse it to get something they prefer over that which the game originally rewarded them with.

For a game that's trying to capture that table-top D&D vibe, it's odd that it allows players to essentially convince the Dungeon Master to reroll their treasure rewards repeatedly until they're satisfied with their haul. That would be one pushover of a DM, and I certainly never played in pen-and-paper D&D session like that.

That makes the "virtual DM" of Divinity feel "stupid". Maybe we can make him "smarter"? I'm not sure what's so awful about that.