...serious......serious people?....ya all must be getting really bored..this is the new focal point to complain about?

"Hey that player reloaded their game!"
"The economy in the game is ruined!|
"...Wait..what happens in their game does not effect mine" <- Happy face.

No one on this forum has the right say who can or cannot reload for better loot. if a player is that desperate for max loot they could simply use the creation tools~ there is a new topic for ya to freak out on! *dun dun dun!* Unless you want to spend the money to buy everyone their copy of the game. Zip it and let people play the game their way~

This is not reporting anything broken or needing attention to fixing, this is just another personal complaint thread....And again I will put this "Larian cannot make a game for just one persons likes, they will lead to extremely poor sales."