Originally Posted by Ellary
Originally Posted by Gyson
Originally Posted by Eggnog
I'm not sure I understand what all the fuss is about. How am I harmed if someone wants to camp a chest or two for drops? It doesn't affect me or my game in any way. This is not an MMO. No one is gaining any kind of an advantage over anyone else here.

Frankly, I don't think it matters what people do in the game or how they want to play it. If they're enjoying it, more power to them.

If we go by that logic it's not worth plugging any mechanic that can be exploited. You can just choose not to abuse them and if other people do, why worry about it?

I'm not a fan of that thinking, personally. Really, the best thing you can do (in my opinion) is report your findings and let the developers decide whether they want to address it or not.

As with all exploits, you will always have people that object to having them fixed. I'm not saying that is the case with everyone here; many seem more concerned with Larian's schedule. I think the developers are smart enough to handle their own scheduling however, and can prioritize as they see fit.

teehee, you sir need to google what Personal means. You "bugs" are more personal dislikes in a mostly single player game. (I count the co op as single ish player since its just two people, not an MMO setting.)

Edit. Ya know I cannot wait for the good laughs when people start sharing mods you do not approve of \o/

Congratulations on just trolling away with a comment that doesn't actually have anything to do with what I just said. Did you even read before you posted or did you just have at it the moment you saw me respond to someone?

So predictable.

Why don't you do us all a favor and explain to everyone why you apparently think "reporting your findings and letting the developers decide whether they want to address it or not" is, apparently, a bad thing in Ellary's razor sharp mind.

This should be oh so interesting..