
You've also progressed to full troll mode now and are clearly just out to derail this discussion.

trololol Gyson you try way to hard. I enjoy this~ lets keep it going. So how exactly did I say that was a bad thing? it was an example~ and showing that is something broken and not intended. Random loot and reloading is not something broken. See I am okay with people doing whatever makes them happy in a single player game even if I don't support it, not my money ^_^

Adorable how desperate you get and will grasp at anything to try and turn it around. *applauds* Can always count on you for a good laugh.

Derailing is what I do yo! I have totally gone way off topic in every post! trolololpowers activate?...Oh wait..I have been on topic about how it's no ones business what others do in a non MMO game. *Thumbs up*