Originally Posted by Ellary

^ oh good laugh, whew thanks!

Anyway as other have stated this is not an undesired element nor a broken element. Just you complaining cause you cannot control others game. The amount of rage I am excited to see from you when mods start getting released!

Is this a case of simpler minds being easily amused?

I'm not sure where you got it in your head that I am at all concerned with what people can achieve with mods when I have been referring specifically to questionable gameplay the official unmodded campaign allows. It's obvious this is a preaching point you just keep throwing out because you're under some goofy impression that it makes a point. The only point you're making is that you've missed the point (again). But thanks for bumping my concerns to the front page again.

Originally Posted by Ellary
oh and thank you Larian!! for focusing on the actual broken parts of the game! super excited for release!!!

I thank Larian for providing players with the opportunity to offer feedback. It's a shame you instead use it as platform in which to behave like an immature child by often bringing nothing but "trololol" noises to these discussions.

Every time you find a topic you disagree with, rather than just posting your opinion and leaving it at that you make every effort to derail the entire thread to the point where the discussion is ruined. That is your way of censoring opinions on the forum. While I can't speak for them, I suspect the people who are actually interested in having a discussion don't appreciate that.

And yet you persist time and time again regardless. Every post of yours in this thread (all 7 of them, and I have no doubt #8 will be the same) essentially states the same thing: one line insisting there is no issue and thanking Larian for the great game (just so you can pretend you're "staying on topic") with the remainder/majority of your post being dedicated to heckling.

It is very petty, very disrespectful, and very inconsiderate of you to player and developer alike, especially when the developers have repeatedly said they want our feedback. It is not for you to decide which feedback they hear.