Originally Posted by Gyson
Originally Posted by Ellary
Originally Posted by Gyson
Originally Posted by Tanist
Ellary, you know how I know MOST developers think that? Because we have a history of games designed in such a way as to not antagonize over what Gyson has? It is a logical evaluation of the result of the work presented based on the technologies available to functionally combat the problem that Gyson has presented. That is, they haven't worried about it as many developers don't waste their time trying to combat external mechanisms and those that did were for different reasons (ie console games did it due to memory limitations).

But hey, if you want to make the argument that they care about such, but haven't implemented it into most of the games because of some mysterious reason, by all means...

I'm still curious why you believe the developers at Firaxis went through the trouble of attempting to discourage save-scumming in XCOM EU (another turn-based strategy game). You suggested no sane developer do this. Were they insane, in your opinion?

I would say they simply had a vision they were determined to keep intact, one where people wouldn't constantly be reloading the game just to try to change the outcome of a round. Their efforts were unsuccessful, but at least they gave it a shot.

You are just looking for a pointless debate..you must be really bored. Why was it unsuccessful? think on that. Does reloading someones game matter that much? Nope~ doesn't matter at all..though it clearly bugs the hell out of you. I actually am feeling bad for you now..not sure how you deal with day to day life not being in control of everyone around you...

The only time Exploiting/Reloading/Cheating for loot matters is in MMOs or games with auction houses for real money
(Like Diablo 3)

Before you try and go all derp. you cannot even bring characters into someone elses game.. cause I know that will be your next focal point on it. So ZERO way for it to effect anyone else.

To answer your question, it didn't work (in XCOM:EU) because the seed technique was vulnerable to fairly easy workarounds.

Diablo 3 no longer has an auction house or real money transactions, and yet still makes every effort to keep your character cheat-free.

It seems to me the only person looking for a pointless debate is the one who states "I think we are done here. ^_^ thanks for the luls." and then jumps back into the discussion the moment they see a conversation happening without them. Did you get lonely or something? Because I was addressing Tanist, and yet here you are ready to troll some more.

You clearly have a lot more to say, so in the interest of not plaguing this thread with several more pages of your back-and-forth, I invite you to send me a private message and continue the conversation with me there. Unless you absolutely require an audience and attention, we can privately work on hashing out the issues you seem to have without disturbing everyone else (and this thread) with these personal exchanges of ours. So, please, feel free to PM me if you feel the need to respond.

Oh did I get lonely? I am not the one fishing for a debate. I will not PM you ever.. so don't even get that idea up in your lil melon. As for requiring and audience and attention~ look in the mirror my dear. This topic is far dead and done. it has been pointed out to you multiple times by a few people why it is not "broken" or needs "fixing" you are just to focused on your ego to let it sink in.

oh and trololol trololol *finger twirl* You can't sling insults and go in just about any topic I post and claim I missed points all the time, then expect to be viewed as a poor victim when it bites you in the backside. Welcome to the internet.