Originally Posted by Ellary
Oh did I get lonely? I am not the one fishing for a debate. I will not PM you ever.. so don't even get that idea up in your lil melon. As for requiring and audience and attention~ look in the mirror my dear. This topic is far dead and done. it has been pointed out to you multiple times by a few people why it is not "broken" or needs "fixing" you are just to focused on your ego to let it sink in.

oh and trololol trololol *finger twirl* You can't sling insults and go in just about any topic I post and claim I missed points all the time, then expect to be viewed as a poor victim when it bites you in the backside. Welcome to the internet.

Actually, I was trying to have a conversation with someone else and you decided there would be none of that and rolled on back in with more of your nonsense - even after specifically stating you were "done". You didn't even manage to stay away from it for a whole hour, only to run back and respond to a 10 minute old comment that wasn't even directed at you. Nothing screams "done" quite like that.

Now you say the topic is "done". I'm starting to think you don't understand what that word actually means. Either it hasn't occurred to you that you're bumping this topic back to the front of the forums every time you respond to it, or you truly are that desperate for attention, even if it has to be in the form of a "pointless debate". Because for the last few pages you have almost single-handedly kept this thread bumped - which, hey, is good visibility for my topic.

I offered to continue this in PM's, but apparently you are happiest when spamming the forum publicly and keeping my threads pinned to the front page. So, by all means, keep doing me that favor, because every time you comment it's a little victory for me.