Originally Posted by Raze

Why do people have to quote so much text? Is it that hard to edit quotes to key points to respond to?

The entire debate is pointless, anyway. Even if Larian was suddenly convinced that save summing was a serious issue, and that the potential problems with counter measures were outweighed by the benefits, it would not make any difference at all for D:OS at this point.

To be fair, until yesterday my last comment on this topic was over 2 months ago when there was, perhaps, still time to do something about it.

And things would have remained that way, but then two months later Tanist and SteamUser rolled in together and decided to pick an argument with me over a thread I created and had abandoned two months earlier. Checking dates on threads is apparently really tricky/difficult - which would probably explain why Ellary blundered in behind them and made the exact same mistake.

Now there's just a lot of saving face going on.