Originally Posted by Gyson

I offered to continue this in PM's, but apparently you are happiest when spamming the forum publicly and keeping my threads pinned to the front page. So, by all means, keep doing me that favor, because every time you comment it's a little victory for me.

why go to PM? you have already shown what kind of person you are. you would just copy and paste the messages here in some attempt at showing superiority. As for thread being bumped up. Happy to help! cause it also shows how pointless and nitpicky your topics often are.

hehe, I am glad you think I have the power to call something done and it is~ ever dawn on your Mr Brainpower that I am bored waiting for the release date? Maybe due to all the insults you have slung at me on the forums, maybe I am just living up to all my titles granted?

There was zero mistake on the date. I saw it active and I did not point out on anyone in particular in my post. You my dear took it upon yourself to make it personal~ ^_^