During yesterday's livestream there were a few things mentioned that (combined) concerned me a bit:

- the implication that while save games would remain compatible post-launch, it was possible that some changes would only impact new games, not ones that were started before a particular patch.

- the implication that some planned features would probably not be in for launch, but instead finished and added to the game shortly after.

I'm not super excited by the possibility of getting stuck with a "feature-lite" or forever-bugged playthrough because I started my adventure on launch day rather than months later after sufficient updates have been released. Is there any chance that, prior to the launch date, you can provide players with a list of features that are not making it into the game by launch, but planned to be added soon after (and maybe even an ETA on when those additions will roll out, as I know you guys are planning some much needed vactions)?

I think that might help players make informed decisions about whether they want to start playing on the 30th, or wait a bit for a particular missing feature.