Originally Posted by Tanist
Originally Posted by Gyson

Yes, it's your opinion. Would you prefer I label it "your ignorant statement" instead? Because either phrase works in this case. Learn to keep your ego in check and roll with the kinder one.

It is a statement of fact that the topic is not brought up much on the steam forums.

Is it your intent to act like a complete idiot?

Not brought up much on the Steam forums when comparing it to all the threads on the Steam forums? Sure. We can safely say that about a ridiculous number of legitimate topics.

Not brought up much on the Steam forums when comparing it to another random topic on the Steam forum? Debatable, depends on the topic, and doesn't indicate "an important concern".

The only idiots here are the people who say something akin to "I am done with your argument. I have no desire to give it any more credibility by continuing to respond to it." and then returns roughly an hour and two posts later.

Oh, and welcome back.