Originally Posted by Gyson
Originally Posted by Ellary
Originally Posted by Gyson
Originally Posted by Ellary
you don't have to buy a game to post on the forums...how do you think people ask pre purchase questions....you seem to be full of wrong lately...*shakes head*

Oh look, someone else who can't read.

*applaud* Typical Gyson. Another shot at the intelligence. That was also very off topic..Something you hate! *thumbs up* for ignoring everything else.

Well, what else do you expect, Ellary. Maybe you haven't noticed, but every time you and Tanist aren't posting here, a real discussion takes place in this thread. Then you come in and "trolololfingertwirl" and Tanist e-rages and I'm stuck entertaining you two until someone gets bored and quits.

Isn't it weird how that happens? It's like the problem starts with the two of you. Every time.

Oh is that so? by discussion you mean one person agreeing with you? I have still not seen a valid reason why what others do effects you or their game. If all you have to go on is "People complain it's to easy" then you are new to gaming.. cause every game has people crying that.

I see you made a new one for me! *trololololfingrtwirls* Any others? It's easy to get you annoyed Gyson~ hard to get you get valid reasons though...