Originally Posted by Cromcrom
The fact I paid for EA is not the issue. The issue is I paid 39.99 for a game that receives a bargain even before it is released. So what is the real value of this game ? Did I really have to pay MORE for the "privilege" of beta testing the game. You know, how really honest devs do, making the game quite cheap at first, and increasing the value as more features and polish gets added...
This is the contrary. You pay a strong price for testing an unpolished and unfinished beta, and pay cheaper for an almost done game ? Many people here should actually have been paid for the incredible efforts they put into testing the game (not talking about me here), not the contrary.

Obviously, some of us are more ass sensitive than others...

Games going on sale before they release is a pretty common problem, to the point where it's hard to label it as a problem anymore. Wildstar, Elder Scrolls Online, all recent examples. And this is very common with Steam games, where they're usually trying to entice people with pre-order discounts so they don't buy elsewhere.

Some games used to go on sale a month or two after release and people still complained about feeling cheated. It seems like there is no winning when it comes to buyers remorse.

Opinions on all that aside, the fact is you personally have had the game now for months, right? Do you feel like you got $8 worth of fun out of it? Given the opportunity of having the game all this time or waiting until now with the sale price to play it for the first time, would you have really chosen the latter? I wouldn't have, but that's just me.