Originally Posted by Cromcrom
Do you feel like you got $8 worth of fun out of it?

O my god , alas, no. Those must have been the most frustrating 8 bucks (euros, actually) I ever spent, navigating between false promises (cycles, editor in december almost 100% sure, "Spring is coming"...), shallow features (spells = skills, drag and drop crafting, crates opening in lieu of proper gathering, failure or success system), bugs (countless), unbalances (game is unbalancable), to the point I can't go past Arhu anymore, because just the prospect of "navigating" through Cyseal bores the shit out of me.

Are you new to the alpha/beta process? Didn't they make it clear when you bought the game that it was "early access" which meant the game would be unfinished, buggy, crashing, etc... ?

Maybe... since you dislike alpha/beta games, you should have held on to your money and then... when it went on sale today, you could have got it cheaper?

Seems like you wanted to play the game early. Seems like you agreed that 39.99 was worth it.

It seems... that you are now trying to renegotiate after the fact.

It seems to me... you are being dishonest.