I get what you're saying op, I too felt kinda pressured into carefully choosing what which character has to say to get optimal bonuses for their build. But after I saw that the bonus you get stays at +1 even with 5 points in it, I started to play more carefree. I don't know if this system will change in the final version, but as it is it works like scales - you gather points for each trait and the one that has more points gives a bonus. So if at first you've chosen Pragmatic once, then it will give you a Pragmatic bonus. If you've chosen Romantic after that the bonus from Pragmatic will dissapear, because the scales are balanced. If you will choose Romantic again after that you will get a Romantic bonus, because it has more points than Pragmatic. So this means that you can still change your bonuses from traits whenever you encounter an argument dialogue.
The only thing I'm curious about traits is that after I got both characters at high Compassionate trait they got a special banter between each other about compassion. These personal banters between characters seem to raise Attitude for them. So I wonder whether high or low attitude between main chars will play some role in the game.